I'm Hooked
LSD & Cannabis
Citation:   Midak. "I'm Hooked: An Experience with LSD & Cannabis (exp43280)". Erowid.org. Sep 3, 2007. erowid.org/exp/43280

T+ 0:00
2 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 0:00   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 1:00 2 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
I have tried acid on two occasions. I have been extremely interested in the psychedelic experience and particularly LSD for most of my life. I was always told how 'bad' LSD was and how it would eat holes in my brain and make me go insane and all sorts of similar utter BS that I was naive enough to believe before I began to research it.

I smoke cannabis fairly frequently. Just to give you an idea of what kind of person I am to help you better understand my experience, I am an 'intellectual', I love learning and am extremely inquisitive, and I am also very intelligent, am what a Freudian psychiatrist would call 'well adjusted' and I possess a very strong psyche. I am a medical student. After all of my research I decided that I would be safe in experimenting with it. I've always wondered what it would be like to see something that really wasn't there.

I had an opportunity to do LSD with my best friend. He has tried it in the past but nowhere nearly as much as we did. The plan was that at dusk we would take two hits, and when we started feeling the effects, we would do two more. So we obtained the LSD in blotter form, and consumed two. We had several friends over just to hang out for a little while, and we were hanging out in my living room drinking some beer (I was not drinking) when my best friend told me that he reccomended that we smoke some weed, as the depressent effect would help me have a better, more relaxed trip. I agreed and we smoked a small amount of weed, just enough to feel nice and relaxed.

About 30-45 minutes after eating the hits, I began to notice this strange sensation coming over me. It was as if my mind, my own being had become strangely fluid in form. I looked at the ceiling and noticed that my white ceiling had taken on a distinctively pink hue and there were dark shapes circling through the ceiling. I was instantly reminded of sharks circling a boat. I dive fairly frequently but have no fear of these creatures whatsoever. In fact, I have very little fear of anything. I am extremely rational and 'sensible'.

The first real intense feeling I had reminded me very much of Hoffman's description of 'a strange being [seizing] my mind and compressing his grip about me'. I felt as though all of a sudden there was literally a strange, alien entity that had an almost tangible form, everywhere and nowhere at once, pulling me into this strange dream world. I tried to fight this unnatural feeling, and my surrounding immediately took on a more sinister, foreboding appearence. My friend reassured me that as long as I fought it, I would have a chaotic, 'bad' trip. I knew that there was little I could do to come down at that point, I knew the effects would be temporary and I knew that whatever happened, I would be fine. This reassured me greatly and I stopped trying to wrestle with this feeling in my mind. This is when everything became incredible, enough of an experince to change my life.

I felt myself slip further and further away from reality. I felt near total dissociation with my own body, and near total association with every aspect of my environment. Time ceased to have any real meaning or importance, I no longer concerned myself with such seemingly trivial thoughts. My head raced with nearly every memory and experience I had ever had in my life. I remembered things that I have tried to repress for years and years. When I came to unpleasent or bad memories, I suddenly saw those experiences in a new light. They were no longer 'bad memories' but rather experiences that I could learn from. I came to terms with many bad events from my past.

About one hour into the trip, we took the two more hits. This would soon prove to be somewhat of a mistake. I was feeling very, very good with the first two, so I figured I would do two more. After another half hour went by, things became, it's very hard to describe, I will say it was as if I were literally in the center of a tornado, I felt this stream of horrible, demonic images, I heard hellish screams and saw disfigured, horrible struggling images of monster like creatures writhing in agony. I believe, on retrospect, that the trip took a decided downward turn because I tried to fight the effects of the acid when my surrounding became far too alien and distorted.

I was literally laying on my bed staring at the hellish surrounding my mind was conjuring for me. This was quite easily the most terrifying experience of my life. I am unsure as to how long I laid on my bed watching this nightmare. I was terrified of closing my eyes, because every time I did I would see a horrible disfigured face right in front of my own. I believe I was in this nightmare for approximately thirty minutes before my friend noticed what I was going through. He came over to me, smiled and sat me up, and simply said 'bro, don't fight it.' He turned on the light, (it was previously very very dark in my room) and almost instantly the entire room became this wonderful keladescope of colors.

So many colors, all of the colors at once. It was almost this liquid form covering the walls of my room. jumping out of the walls and flipping, swirling, rippling everywhere and covering everything at once. I was overcome with this intense feeling of well-being and peacefulness with myself and everything around me. We listened to some music which was an incredible experience in itself. I could literally see the sound waves dancing across the room, the colors dancing to the beat.

After that my friend and I walked down to the beach (I live on the beach). The moon was intensely bright, the stars were all twinkling intesnely bright, it was incredible. We smoked a blunt and sat on the rocks for a while, just staring at the moon and discussing inner thoughts and feelings about this trip. The warmth and well-being that engulfed me was such a radical change from the nightmare dreamworld I was experienceing earlier. It was incredible. It changed my outlook on life for the better.

Overall, I would reccomend Hofmann's child to anyone with a strong mind and an open imagination. It made me aware of so many things in my own mind and of so many different perspectives that I simply do not see or care about when sober. Of course, I should have taken a much smaller dosage for my first time, but I figured that I could 'Handle it'. This is not something you just 'handle' like drinking one too many beers or smoking one too many bowls. At one point, I was literally in another dimension of reality, not in my own body, watching through my eyes from the side of the room while this tornado of motion and images and all manner of sensations swept through me. I'm hooked. I want to trip again, to experience this dream world again. I now fully understand Hoffman's bicycle ride.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 43280
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 3, 2007Views: 8,225
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