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Not What I Expected...
Citation:   DissolvedEgo. "Not What I Expected...: An Experience with Dimenhydrinate (exp4330)". Dec 24, 2001.

600 mg oral Dimenhydrinate (pill / tablet)
I recently had heard about dimenhydrinate and thought I'd do some research. It seemed interesting so I went and picked up 2 boxes of generic motion sickness medicine for three dollars!! That was 24 pills.

First Experience: I did 6 pills, my trip-sitter bailed on me and I couldn't stand sobriety any longer, so I thought I'd try out this low dose. Felt a little weird in ways I cannot describe, interesting CEV's that were very detailed and realistic. Towards the end of the day I just wanted to lie down with my eyes closed (not sleep) and not talk to anyone.

Second Experience: One week later, 12 pills this time. By myself, after the mild experience I had on 6 I felt no need for a trip-sitter, besides, I had done acid many a time and felt very comfortable tripping. Most the things I expected didn't happen, most of this was good...
I didn't feel nausea
I didn't feel very heavy
I didn't feel drowsy
I didn't have a headache afterwards
I didn't lose track of memory or my mind

What DID happen was very little actually, in comparison to stories of imaginary conversations with imaginary people... which DID happen, but only with eyes closed. I did forget my eyes were closed a few times. Sitting downstairs with eyes closed I found myself sitting upstairs with eyes open watching TV, my parents confronted me but I would not speak to them, for some reason I just refused. This was all in my head. Then I opened my eyes and saw my cat on a shelf a few feet away from me. Then I realized my cat was on the other side of the room. The cat on the shelf was thinner and had a longer neck, but it was completely realistic. It strutted around the shelf, twitched it's tail, poked it's head out and stared at me, eyes blinking, breathing, so life-like it was incredible! I stood up and took a step towards it, and it MORPHED into a book! It was flawless... the eyes of the cat sank back and became the metal buttons on the binding of a book. When I sat back down the cat re-appeared and jumped off the shelf, disappearing in thin air. The next day I realized the book didn't exist either.

Contrary to what I had read, I not only didn't feel drowsy, but had a HORRIBLE time getting to sleep. My legs felt weird, like they were itching on the inside, like growing pains from hell. I tossed and turned for about an hour before I fell asleep, this was the only real unpleasant thing about the trip, not too bad.

I went to school the next morning. I didn't want to talk to anyone. I just sat off by myself against the wall staring at an area in the carpet. My friend said I looked fucked up, that my eyes looked like they were 'turning into cat eyes' (i loved the irony there!). Within a few hours of school I felt completely back to normal, except for a slight uneasy feeling in my chest, somewhat like the one that accompanies the first signs of an acid body-high. Overall it was worth it, definitely worth $1.50, though much less than I had hoped. I think I'll wait several months and then try 20. I saw no need for a trip-sitter, if I had tripped harder and lost my mind, I probably wouldn't have left the couch.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 4330
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 24, 2001Views: 17,904
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