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Hardcore Hallucinations
Atomoxetine (Strattera)
Citation:   Mad Trails. "Hardcore Hallucinations: An Experience with Atomoxetine (Strattera) (exp43332)". Jun 25, 2007.

60 mg oral Pharms - Atomoxetine (pill / tablet)
Well it all started 2 days ago when I found a unused bottle of Strattera that was prescribed to me around a year ago. I was feeling like crap so I decided to take one and goto bed (around 10PM?). So I wake up for no apparent reason, sit in my computer chair, and stare at the blank computer screen for about 30 minutes, then go back to sleep (I felt like I was in a half/sleep walking type daze).

Next day I wake up (today) feeling great (better than I have in months) so I decided to take another one (60mg). Alright, lets skip all the way from morning 'till the time when I went to bed.

As I slowly started drifting into sleep, I noticed that my body started getting numb. I started getting a little scared, but being the experienced 2c-I user that I am, a bad trip never becomes me. I keep on thinking positive thoughts. As time passes, I start hearing a noise.. first it sounded like car horns (impossible for me to hear because I live in a high rise building).

The sound started morphing, and it started to sound like a mix of jazz and blues music.. intensifying, getting louder by the second. By this time I felt like I was floating around 2 inches above my body, I felt like I was rolling on E. The body high was amazing yet scary, my teeth were clenched and my eyes were rolled back tight.

I didn't get to enjoy the body high because of the feeling of impending doom.. thinking that I was having some sort of seizure or something. Well.. the music continued on, then in my 'field of vision' I started to see morphing characters of people or anything that I was thinking at the time.

My field of vision can only be described as a 3rd person view in a video game. With my eyes closed, I was looking down at my body, I could see the complete outline of every body part, as if I was seeing a little boys sketch of a person but filled with that grey static that you see when you accidentally unplug a cable wire from the TV (this somehow represent the euphoria and feelings that I was feeling, as it intensified as time passed... going deeper and deeper into psychosis).

Then after 10 minutes, out of nowhere, I was sucked back into my body as I plunged into a surreal dreamlike landscape for about 2 hours. I had the most intense dreams I ever had. They were all about sex and smoking weed. In one part of the dream, after I smoked weed I literally hallucinated that I was high (I dunno how that is possible, but throughout almost the whole dream I was stoned like a mofo, a 'synthetic' thc, cloned high).

In the last part of the dream, I somehow became blind/partially blind in my dream. And when I looked at myself, my eyes looked like they had cataracts and were crosseyed. Well after a point I was able to take myself out of the 'trance' and come back to reality.

When I opened my eyes, the world around me took on a jello like consistency. Various random flashing colors and bright lights which morphed into people and random figures were also noted.

Trails are intensely prominent at this point, when I look into the dark areas of my room. It looks like I’ve been staring at a bright sunlit window then quickly closed my eyes to get that flash of light that I usually get after staring at a bright object for a long time.

Everything looks fake, and it feels like my head is not attached to my body and is moving on it's own... and typing (sorta like the sims).

Well this was totally unexpected, since it's a school night, at it's 4:30 AM... and I dunno if I’m going to be able to go back to sleep tonight. I really feel sorry for inexperienced people who are prescribed this drug (especially children) for adhd because what I just experienced in the last 3 hours was the most hardcore psychedelic experience I ever had.

I would say this most closely resembles a diphenhydramine trip because that dream was so intensely real that I woke up thinking I was permanently cross eyed and around 300 years into the future (that’s when it supposedly took place, but I didn't feel like getting too much into the details of it).

This is a high, where, I don't know that I am high, and everything that is hallucinated is real to me at that moment.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 43332
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 25, 2007Views: 69,828
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Pharms - Atomoxetine (316), Dreams (85) : General (1), Alone (16)

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