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A Pleasant First
Citation:   AMT; IT-290. "A Pleasant First: An Experience with AMT (exp43339)". Apr 11, 2007.

30 mg oral AMT (powder / crystals)
As a regular MJ smoker, I began to develop a certain boredom, for it had taken on a more monotonous and less exciting tone. As a 'rookie' to the so-called world of hard drugs, I turned to a trusted friend of mine to take my experience one step further. One evening, with a couple of my trusted friends and my brother for company, I decided to take that next step.

I was introduced to AMT, a small 60 mg capsule that my friend broke open and split. Everyone present took half a cap's worth of powder, washed down with a little orange juice, (which we were told would help stimulate visual effects, much like it supposedly helps with shrooms). I wasn't prepared for what happened next. A nausious feeling swept over each one of us. It was helpful to trip on the same 'unknown' drug with other people, (as the majority of us had never even heard of AMT). We all found it nearly impossible to swallow our saliva and so had 'spit cups' to spit in-- *Note: spitting made us feel better, less nausious- the nausia was not enough to make one vomit, it was simply an irritatant that lasted about an hour during the onset. After the nausia passed it was followed by an intense body buzz, one that made my body tingle all over. Not an uncomfortable feeling but instead one of warmth. We all decided to head over to a friend's house party.

Once there, about an hour and a half after taking the pills, I became aware of slight visuals in my peripheral vision; colors were more pronounced and I was vaguely aware of shadow-like objects in the corners of my eyes. None of these effects were disturbing and my pleasant body buzz continued. My other friend, on the other hand, was having a mind-blowing experience from what we could tell. She was having mild halucinations, aided by the help, (or rather, unhelpfulness), of some random people trying to make her freak out. After a mere 20 minutes at the party, she was convinced that the sofa in the living room was going to eat her alive and so took refuge in a corner of the room, facing the wall. I, on the other hand, was feeling talkative and philisophical, as if the world had suddenly come into focus and I was 'living' for the first time.

After about 2 1/2 hours, I was at my peak. Colors were more intense, lights were brighter, and people seemed much more friendly, although that was most likely due to my increased talkativeness. We all headed home after my one friend took on extreme paranoia of the couch, which to her had transformed into a huge couch monster that she had to escape from.

Everything outside seemed sharper to me, the smell, the lights, even the corners of buildings and sidewalks seemed more pronounced. The fresh air seemed to calm my one friend and we all trekked home in amazement of the 'naturalness' of the outdoors.

I couldn't sleep. After I began to come down, nearly 4 hours after initially taking the AMT, a fierce headache took over everything else that I was feeling. I lied down and tried my hardest to sleep but the headache persisted and I eventually gave up on sleep for the night, as did everyone else-- although I was the only one to experience the headache. The next morning the headache had gone and we were all left with an uplifted feeling, as if everything were right with the world. Cigarettes felt particularly good, even to my friends who didn't usually smoke. After 9 hours or so, the pill completely wore off and everyone fell into a deep sleep; we all slept through the day and woke the next morning, feeling perfectly normal and well rested.

AMT was a fun trip while it lasted but the nausia during onset and the wicked headache afterwards prevent me from doing AMT on a regular basis. I think that the drug affects everyone differently but is a great experience-- something to try at least once.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 43339
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 11, 2007Views: 5,438
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