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Citation:   Anonymous. "Energy: An Experience with Ephedrine (exp4340)". Mar 6, 2001.

110 mg oral Ephedrine (pill / tablet)
I had never really done any drugs at all, except for occosianal weed or drinking. One day I had basketball practice that I had to go to to play in the next game. Well I had been up the night before and wanted to play, but I was really tired. I went home after school and told my brother who lifts weights that I was skipping it. He said he had these pills that would energize me, and it would be better than my plan of drinking 6 frappacinos and feeling all heavy.

I took 4 pills, because that would not exeed the 24 hour limit. Well one hour later after a sluggish warmup the pills kicked in. My heart was beating so fast I thought I would die. But I could run so damn fast and everything seemed kind of hazy. In a fast break drill someone missed a layup and I tipped dunked it with 2 hands, which I am but 5'9 and had never even dunked, except for after practices with a huge runup. Everyone was noticing that I was leading every break and just had limiless energy. I just wanted to jump up and down. However I could not dribble because the jitters I suffered were terrible, and my mouth was extremly dry, and I could not really think straight.

That day after practice I was still jittery and lightwieght, also I could not eat, food just seemed disgusting, and all I wanted to do is think. That night I could not sleep cause I was so jittery and did not fall asleep until 6 in the morning. I missed my first three periods, and went to school still feeling weird, although now it was a relaxed weirdness

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 4340
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 6, 2001Views: 55,467
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Ephedrine (23) : First Times (2), Various (28)

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