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Citation:   R A E. "Acrid: An Experience with LSD (exp43438)". Jun 5, 2018.

I can hear the music harsh rattling whirr and thump - marching human automaton technology rattling the ceiling up the stairs places crazy living noise party on the upper floors of the high-rise, banners draped from the uppermost windows block the light to the top half of the building. The lift doors all open into the black shaft makes a great image in the mind falling falling through the void crack! My head catching the steel girders of the shaft in hard fast deathpain clanging silence still falling. Real blackness now that would really whack bounce right off skull cracking on that steel edge.

In this corridor is an old joystick arcade machine smashed screen behind circuit boards and panels are visible - a row of glowing oblong panels shoots from behind me just past my right eye and into the distance - click click - whirrr - patterns like Mayan idols line the outer extremes of my vision, dancing - morphing with solid liquid technology of mercury and hard frictionless plastic tac - seeds dying and reborn inside patterned in spiral matrix - in the party people are decoding - parts breaking off into reams of numerical digits and light - split like bad tracking - blips inherent in my system blocked messages of violence images seem to skip and freeze randomly - eyes roll in the sockets - lesbians with space cadet jackets held down below the shoulders mooch around sporting booze and fags, rat-hair matted layers give her extra. Huge rubbish piles and abandoned hoardings rot and overlap damply in a corner - in one room sun shines brightly through a solitary exposed window white as someone touches my neck inaudible whispers coolly into my ear I’m watching the fenced road scarred concrete block landscape wracked with steel and synthetic frames the planet is a concrete and steel ice crystal in all directions splaying, growing outwards - cheek touch in the shiny milk light of the room.

Another room steel sounds rain down force from the ceiling big black bags around this guy’s eyes like coal sacks all the way to the ears cap peak coming over straight darkening mechanic. Another room dusty, dark, empty time delaying. Another room he comes down on his victim heavy with a fist I see it all blood spurting out of his nose and mouth - sledgehammer - smash the huge lump of metal crashes up through the edge of his jaw shattering tooth and bone across the room man drops death gurgling head coming apart - Get out! Run! Leave the building blood from the victim splattered on my shirt mind spinning sickening turns - get away from there! Go! Darkness spinning in from all sides.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 43438
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 5, 2018Views: 744
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LSD (2) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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