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Wow! This is 'Different'
Citation:   beer drinker. "Wow! This is 'Different': An Experience with LSD (exp4345)". Dec 24, 2001.

1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
I'd been doing a lot of reading/research about drugs (this page was fantastic) and when a friend told me he'd recently tried acid I was very keen to experience it myself. The setting was my girlfriend's house, she was having a party, mostly our friends from uni.

We took it around 7:30pm at another mates house before the party and arrived around an hour later. I sat down next to a couple of blokes and we were chatting for around half an hour and I felt a little anxious, wasn't sure if it was my anticipation or the drug itself. By this stage (90 mins later) I was beginning to wonder if we'd been ripped off, I stood up to go have a slash and.....hehehe the floor's bendy !! woah, my body feels all rubbery and distorted like I'm a plasticine man ! So I sit down on the toilet coz I'm not sure if I'm actually wobbling or not and I'm happy to find out I've still got control of myself ;) I'm looking at the walls and they're slowing bulging around like bubbles! I also have a charged feeling about my body.

When I moved back outside I had to go tell my friend about what was happening and he nodded knowingly and we laughed about it together. It was now about 9:10pm. From then till around 11:30pm things got really intense and time passed very slowly. It seemed like the party had been going for AGES and was always expecting people to be leaving then I'd look at my watch and barely a few minutes had passed! (I strongly recommend wearing a watch or it may get very confusing!!) During the peak and this 'intensity' I found myself unable to focus on one thought for more than a second or two without extreme concentration. It wasn't all that unpleasant but on the verge of being overwhelming, it may have been easier in a less intense setting, say a few mates at my home rather than 40 odd friends crammed into a backyard. I walked out the front to be alone a couple of times during the night. It's very hard to describe with words what I mean by the intensity or to describe what it's like. It was sort of overwhelmed/intense/confusion even though not really unpleasant.

During the peak, it was fun to play with hallucinations, not just visual distortions (there are many different sorts but I'm trying to keep it as brief as I can) but also things that aren't really there. I found I had almost total control over them and it was not scary because I was completely aware that it was just the acid causing it, and they only last for a maximum of a couple of seconds anyway before my brain works out what it really is. It tended to happen in semi-darkness or shadows where there was some ambiguity as to what I was really seeing and my brain was able to 'fill in the gaps' with whatever I chose to think about. For instance shadows on people's faces could make them evil or have coloured eyes or could imagine things in dark areas like shrubs.

Another thing which amazed me was that no one seemed to be able to notice how spun out I felt. I felt talking to someone was a dead giveaway but to my amazement it just wasn't obvious from the outside. Communication was actually very hard because of the distractions of other thoughts flying around it was almost impossible to focus long enough to form sentences and then listen to a response! I also realised my speech wasn't very literal after several people kept asking me 'what I meant'.

There was a sense of pity for drunks and even sober people and I wanted them to be on the same level to share with them and communicate with them. (We agreed not to tell anyone we were tripping until afterwards because I didn't want to feel like an experiment and wanted to experience it in a natural environment, which turned out to be a good choice I think)

At around 11:30pm I began to feel the effects slowly wearing off. I noticed this not by clearer vision (coz it was still pretty weird!!) but the ability to devote more of my thought/concentration to my regular perception and it became easier to communicate again. Regular perception of time also began to return. During this stage I started to think about personal aspects of my life and the way I live according to my previous perceptions...I really don't know why! a party!? But I kept thinking about these things for a couple of days afterwards. I'd rather not discuss these things in detail, it's hard to understand myself anyway, but this part was my main motivation for wanting to repeat the experience, though probably in a different setting. There was also a feeling of contentness in returning to the normal state.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 4345
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 24, 2001Views: 9,752
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LSD (2) : First Times (2), Large Group (10+) (19)

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