Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
Hooked On It
Citation:   anonymous. "Hooked On It: An Experience with Melatonin (exp43529)". May 30, 2006.

  oral Melatonin (daily)
I had been having some sleep problems a while ago until I was introduced to melatonin. My sleep deprivation was getting in the way of school because I was often falling asleep in class. Most nights I would be lying in bed for hours at a time, usually falling asleep at around 3 or 4 when I had to wake up at 6.

I began taking melatonin to get out of my bad sleeping habits and to get into an earlier set time of going to sleep. At first I loved it because I was getting all the sleep I needed to do well in school and make it through the day, but soon I found that I was getting into a habit of taking melatonin before bed. In a matter of weeks, there were no nights that I went to sleep without it. It was just something normal for me.

But then I realized that it was probably not good for long term use so I didnt take it for a few nights. The nights I didnt take the melatonin, I got pretty much no sleep at all. After that I began to get into a habit again. A few months later I was still taking it habitually every night and eventually I had to up the dose. Some nights I would end up taking more than 3 tabs (each being 2 mg each). The next morning I would be groggy and would find it harder than anything to get out of bed. I ended up taking melatonin for about half a year, every night since the first night I took it. I finally decided I had to get off of it. I would do anything I could to get sleep without it. Sometimes I would not get any sleep but eventually I broke the habit... The few months that I was on melatonin were probably the worst nights of sleep I had ever gotten. Now, about 2 years later, I still am free of melatonin except for some nights when I cant get to sleep.. But now that I think of it, I had a huge bottle of 1mg tabs in my room (maybe 500 tabs) and there are only a few tablets left which makes me realized how hooked I was. Occasionaly I take 5-HTP which seems to work better than melatonin.

Overall melatonin is good for trips and things when I'm getting used to a new time zone or something like that but I try to keep off of it because I remember how bad the habit I had been stuck on was.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 43529
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 30, 2006Views: 56,693
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Melatonin (94) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Alone (16)

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