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Benefit of Controlled Use?
Citation:   dumbblonde. "Benefit of Controlled Use?: An Experience with Methamphetamine (exp43561)". May 13, 2021.

  insufflated Methamphetamine (powder / crystals)
First tried meth summer 2004 having occasionally used coke and speed for parties and nights out. We snorted small amounts that I would describe as about 1/3 to 1/2 the size of a line of coke. We topped up a few times but didn't get through nearly as much as if we were doing coke.

I LOVED its effects in terms of sense of well-being, confidence, affability and the connection with other people. The greatest experience of all, though, was the amazing effect on my partner's and my relationship in that once the 'buzz' is finished - AND IF I LET THIS DRUG JUST RUN ITS COURSE AND DON'T TOP UP - there is a gentle afterglow that leads to astonishing intimacy and, yes, you guessed it - the most mind-blowing sex. Having occupied the 'take it or leave it' stage of a relationship for many years, this is a bonus that I can't bleat about enough. I have let friends try it and they have experienced the same amazing effects.

The only negative effects we have encountered are on those few occasions when we forget that we're doing meth and not coke (usually involving over-indulgence in alcohol). I find that topping up too often (or even at all) negates the more pleasurable effects and most of the experiences I have read on this website seems to bear this out. Everyone seems to do mega doses that give them instant side effects (jaw-clenching, twitchiness) and we don't get any of these - or are doing line after line or smoking it for even more concentrated high which then makes you not want to come down again. I'm convinced that for those who are just looking for a pleasant but not insane experience and who can control that urge to get higher and higher (by experience I think the initial buzz is always the best and it can't be replicated later no matter how hard I try unless I let nmyrself come down completely in the meantime) then this drug can be beneficial in terms of the rapport with others, intimacy in relationships and just a general great time.

Have no interest in smoking it or injecting it (particularly after reading others' experiences) - the experience of moderate use is so good.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 43561
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 13, 2021Views: 897
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