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Up to This Point Nothing Has Worked
Opiates esp. Morphine
Citation:   sickandconfused. "Up to This Point Nothing Has Worked: An Experience with Opiates esp. Morphine (exp43599)". Oct 8, 2016.

  IV Morphine
Opiate Addiction... Beware

My first experience with morphine started about 7 months ago while I was in a secondary rehab facility. I had gone through rehab and was staying at this facility. I had a job and everything was looking up. My addiction to drugs up to that point had always been an emotional one. Other than alcohol, I had never experienced any drugs that were chemically addictive. My roommate at the time who was also my best friend was a recovering opiate addict. He talked me into taking him to get some morphine and I shot 50 mg of morphine for the first time in my life. I remember that day like it was yesterday and I would give anything I have ever owned to go back and not shoot up. The high was like nothing I had ever experienced. Mind blowing numbness... Prickly sensations through my whole body. I was hooked.

Since that day I have steadily become more and more dependent. I have gone through dope sickness 4 or 5 times since then. I have od'd twice. One od left me in the icu for three days with a body temp of 87. I have been arrested 4 times in 5 months and ended up on probation. Nothing I have tried in terms of kicking this habit up to this point has worked. I got to where I was snatching purses at Wal-Mart and forging checks to pay for my addiction. I finally, due to a ridiculous number of warrants for my arrest, was forced to leave the state I have lived in my whole life.

I am now staying with my father and am just getting the sniffles. I shot up three days ago and have no more morphine and no way to get any. Hell is upon me. This time I think I can do it. I have no way of getting more and I want to quit more than I have ever wanted anything.

If you have never tried opiates in any form do not dismay. You are among the lucky who have a choice. You never have to experience dope sickness or withdrawals. You can live your life in control. Do not think that you can play with these drugs. I did and I completely destroyed my life.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 43599
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 8, 2016Views: 2,206
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Morphine (211) : Various (28), Addiction & Habituation (10)

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