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Willing to Tell My Darkest Secrets?
Citation:   Loralei. "Willing to Tell My Darkest Secrets?: An Experience with Midazolam (exp43607)". Jul 23, 2007.

    Pharms - Midazolam
I used versed when I was having some rough times in school (med school believe it or not) & thought I was going to harm myself if I didn't find a short vacation from stress. The alcohol wasn't helping anymore. This drug is fantastic for helping me relax, to stop obsessing, to sleep restfully... Wonderful.

BUT!!! It has some bad sides too. Too much can make you stop breathing. You sleep SO soundly that you could easily vomit and choke to death. I awoke one night with dried vomit in my mouth. I don't know why I didn't die, but I did end up with a bad pnuemonia a week or so later as the consequence of inhaling stomach acid & food.

Versed is easily a truth serum. It makes me willing to tell ANYONE ANYTHING. I wouldn't remember a lot of things I said and did the next day. Or I wouldn't be sure if I dreamed those things or they actually happened. The sensation of lost time can be unnerving. Finally, it's relatively expensive.

It also causes extreme uncoordination although this is not entirely unpleasant really! I didn't have any trippy, weird experiences, just plain old relaxation & a temporary escape from reality.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 43607
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 23, 2007Views: 30,533
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Pharms - Midazolam (435) : Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), General (1), Alone (16)

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