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Pre-Operative Sedation
Clonidine (Catapres)
Citation:   Adreno. "Pre-Operative Sedation: An Experience with Clonidine (Catapres) (exp43763)". Jun 10, 2005.

    Pharms - Clonidine
I live in Sweden and work with anesthesia and I administer many pharmaceuticals described on Erowid, like fentanyl, nitrous oxide, ketamine, etc.

I wanted to tell you about a less common use for Clonidine, which Erowid describes as an anti-hypertenisve. A less common use of Clonidine is for preoperative sedation in children. Children are given Clonidine orally, intravenously or rectally, well before surgery.

In this context, Clonidine's sedative effects are often more desirable than those of midazolam, another preoperative sedative for children. Those sedated with clonidine often sleeps but are easily woken up, and we use it a lot. I doesent have the other
'druggy' side-effects of bensodiazepines. Other alpha-2-agonist just like clonidine are dexmedetomidine, sold as Precedex, which is used for sedation durin intensive care. Alfa-2-agonist are often used as anesthetics in veterinary medicine as has the same effect in humans with primarly circulatory side effects. Curiously, I've been told that Clonidine doesn't have the same sedative properties in adults.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 43763
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 10, 2005Views: 37,706
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Pharms - Clonidine (344) : Medical Use (47), General (1), Hospital (36)

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