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Lost All Muscle Control
DXM, Diphenhydramine, Escitalopram (Lexapro) & Cannabis
Citation:   Addicted. "Lost All Muscle Control: An Experience with DXM, Diphenhydramine, Escitalopram (Lexapro) & Cannabis (exp43784)". Mar 25, 2008.

T+ 0:00
10 mg oral Pharms - Escitalopram (daily)
  T+ 0:00 405 mg oral DXM (capsule)
  T+ 0:30 300 mg oral Diphenhydramine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:00 2 bowls smoked Cannabis (plant material)
The day started normal. I rolled out of bed and popped my SSRI(10MG's of Lexapro). I took this medicine for one reason, that my drug of choice, DXM had nearly a reverse reaction while on it.

But soon I found myself wanting to take it even with this in mind, I went up to the store and stole a 4oz Bottle of Maximum Strength Cough(CVS generic to robotussin which contains 360mg DXM). I also stole a 100 bottle of benadryl as well as a bottle of Robotussin Cough gels.

My location: a strip mall located inside of a residential area. I downed the bottle of cough syrup as well as 3 cough gels(405mg's DXM). I waited about a half hour and took 300mg of benadryl. After about an hour I decided to smoke some weed. I went behind the parking structure and blazed a couple bowls. It is about 12:00pm on a sunny day. About half way through the second bowl I suddenly lost complete muscle control and dropped my beautiful glass bowl on the ground, and I too fell to the ground. I was not really feeling the DXM but the benadryl and weed were there.

I started walking, scared as could be. Suddenly it happened, time and time again. In the middle of walking I would just feel totally weak and fall over; brief periods of complete loss of muscle control. Finally I just curled up in a ball and kept falling over. Then I completely lost control. I could not move. Let me state I was not very high. I was just sprawled out, motionless, helpless. A few minutes went by like this when my body suddenly began spazzming. About two hours went by like this, I could not move although I would have a siezure every few minutes.

I have since tried many drugs while on my SSRI, and let me tell you bad things ALWAYS HAPPEN. I drank a fifth of vodka and had alcohol poisening for over 3 days. I took 4 barbituates and was totally uncordinated for 2 days, yet never felt high or relaxed.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 43784
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 25, 2008Views: 22,024
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Pharms - Escitalopram (304), Diphenhydramine (109), DXM (22), Cannabis (1), SSRIs (396) : Combinations (3), Health Problems (27), Alone (16)

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