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Boring Night Turned Not So Boring
Citation:   amazed. "Boring Night Turned Not So Boring: An Experience with Oxycodone (exp43870)". Erowid.org. Jul 30, 2018. erowid.org/exp/43870

1.5 tablets insufflated Oxycodone (ground / crushed)
So I have never been really much of a druggie, only started really using pot this past year but that was the worst it ever got.. After my mom got surgery on her foot, the doctor gave her painkillers that she couldnt use because most medicines made her sick... I figured they'd be wasted if she never used them so I decided to take a few... My friend suggested snorting them and I was scared the first few times so I only did one or two lines, and there was little effect on me, maybe a little feeling of happiness and carelessness, but thats pretty much it... I also have recently tried ridalin, mixing the oxycodone with ridalin, and was too afraid to mix anything with adderall, but I did do it a few times alone.

Tonight, I was bored, and figured I might as well experiment now so that during the summer I would be able to do more hardcore drugs and know what I would be expecting.... I had already had about maybe a little more than one full pill crushed up and hidden away, so I took that out and made 4 nice lines out of it, and I am someone who likes immideate effects so when nothing happened I got even more bored and decided to crush up another quarter of a pill. I did so and finally started to feel something, a tingling I guess, running through my body. But nothing too special. Still frusturated and wanting more, I crushed up a second quarter and did the line quickly. That was more like it.

I had trouble going downstairs to get some food and a bottle of water, and came back upstiars to listen to music and lie down. I would have thought that this much would have already had its effects, but not knowing much, I layed down in bed with all the lights off and started getting annoyed, still only feeling a slight sense of paranoia and sensitivy to light and sound. Then about what was about 5 minutes later it hit me. Full force. A feeling I dont think I've ever felt before. A sense of euphoria I guess, tingling over my entire body but only when I moved. I kept moving my arms around hoping the feelign would stay. I got out of bed turned the lights on and tried walking around. Unfortunately the feelign only lasted for about 2 mins, and I decided to come to my computer and write about it. Now I still feel it and I have a feeling that if I went and layed down again I'd get the same thing as last time bc I think its about to come back whichs means that I'm gonna make this short. I am loving this experience and I think that it is very much worth it, not actually a hardcore drug but I love the feeling and I'm glad I dont have very many of these bc I can easily see myself getting addicted. I have a teeny headache and a weird feeling of pain but I dont know what kind, but I know its worth it. Back to bed for me :-D

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 43870
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 30, 2018Views: 1,167
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Oxycodone (176) : General (1), Alone (16)

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