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My Head as a Match
Hydromorphone & Alprazolam
Citation:   MorphoneMania. "My Head as a Match: An Experience with Hydromorphone & Alprazolam (exp44042)". Erowid.org. Jul 8, 2007. erowid.org/exp/44042

T+ 0:00
0.5 mg oral Pharms - Alprazolam (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:10 4.0 mg insufflated Hydromorphone (ground / crushed)
I started with one 4 mg hydromorphone (HM) pill, which I crushed in my bowl with a metal spoon, as not to waste any, I licked the bowl and spoon clean and created a line. After the HM was prepared I downed 0.5 mg of alprazolam and waited 10 minutes. This seemed like the longest 10 minutes of my life. I was so pumped about trying this new drug and could not wait to hit a line. I rolled up a $100.00 bill, which I got just for the ocassion, and continued to snort the line.

As soon as the powder hit the inside of my nose I felt as though a match had just been lit in my head. All of a sudden a mild wave of relaxation fell over me. I began to smile uncontrollably, not because I was high, but because I new this would turn out to be an awesome journey. I walked into the family room to turn the TV on, I timed it so that I would feel all of the effects at 11:00 eastern time, adult swim time.

I sat back in my favorite chair and as soon as the familiar futurama chime kicked on the TV I felt the euphoria kick in. Every 2 minutes the feeling increased two fold until I hit a point of bliss. I had never in my life felt so amazing. Warm, Fuzzy, Happy, and loving don't even come close to describing the way I felt. The only way to describe where I was is by saying that I had just taken a 4 hour field trip to the garden of eden.

All of lifes greatest problems seemed to go to a complete standstill. Nothing bad exited in my mind. Life, love, and happiness are all I could focus on. All of my problems faded into a series of vividly colored friendly cartoons. The slightest attempt at comedy on any of these shows would make me laugh uncontrollably. It felt like I had all of the happiness of MDMA with NONE of the stimulating effects.

As my high and the TV shows continued I never felt the effects start to diminish, as a matter of fact after about 3 hours I entered 'the nod'. I don't know why I was able to stay out of the nod for so long (could have something to do with the alprazolam) but it was very welcome.

Waking up every few minutes and catching a few minutes of sealab and then falling right back to sleep was my special little world of happiness for the last hour of my conciousness. After that I settled myself deep into the loooong comfy 'cloudlike' chair and feel to sleep with the TV on in the background.

All in all this is an experiance that I desperatly desire to repeat, however, HM is not the easiest thing to come by, so all I have for now is the memory of my night as a match.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 44042
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 8, 2007Views: 32,600
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Hydromorphone (300) : General (1), Combinations (3), Glowing Experiences (4), Alone (16)

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