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Well, I've Fucked Up this Time
Citation:   Blownaway. "Well, I've Fucked Up this Time: An Experience with 5-MeO-DMT (exp44045)". Jan 10, 2007.

1 hit smoked 5-MeO-DMT (powder / crystals)
Almost a year ago from now (6/05) i was reading on the internet about a drug called DMT. I read about people seeing aliens and stuff like that on it. I wanted to try it sooooo bad but I knew that there was NO way in hell I would ever be able to find it. About 2 or 3 weeks after I had read about DMT, a friend called me and told me he had some. I thought he was full of shit and had somehow found out that I had been reading about it. I met up with him anyway and checked it out. Sure enough, he had a little pill capsule with this pinkish/yellowish/clear powder that looked like small crystals at a closer glance. I bought about 10 hits worth and went with my friends S and M to a place that we would park at and smoke because it was hidden.

I put a little weed in a bowl and put the DMT (which I later found out to be 5-MeO-DMT by reading stuff about it online) on top. I took a hit but the screen had so much resin on it that I lost the hit and only got a little light headed. I was extremely pissed and started getting onto M for having such a fucked up screen that just cost me $15.
Earlier that day I had given S a brand new screen that he put in his pocket to take home. He then remembered it (after I took the hit of course)and put it in M's bowl. I loaded another VERY small amount of weed in it and then sprinkled a nice little pile of the crystals on it. I took a look at it and thought, 'I probably just got ripped off, because there is no way this little amount of ANY substance could fuck me up.' Then I put a cap on the pipe so that not as much flame would hit the crystal and kill it.

I took a hit, which burned at first and kind of tasted like plastic (or at least what I think would taste like plastic). After it burned, I lit the bowl and took in the rest (it was all in the same hit though, I hadn't exhaled yet). As I was holding it in, I started thinking again, 'This isn't going to work.' I started feeling a little lightheaded and dizzy, and my heart seemed like it was beating a little faster. I started blowing out smoke and then BAM! I was gone!!! I had no idea what was happening...all I knew was that it needed to stop. But it wasn't going to stop. I was going to be fucked up forever. I was going to die. I HAD been fucked up forever. This was eternity. I had finally done it. I had finally fucked myself for good this time. I could just imagine S and M dragging me inside my house and my parents crying. It was the most terrifying experience of my life. I had NEVER been that wasted before. It felt like there was a pressure around my body and especially around my head, like being deep underwater (but not identical). My vision seemed distant and things didn't seem right, but that was the least I was worried about. I didn't experience any hallucinations, though. Things just look really...weird.

Almost exactly 3 minutes into the trip everything cleared up. I was still more gone than I had ever been, but damn, I felt GREAT! I was able to talk and yet I had no idea what was happening. I was the happiest I'd ever been and I wanted to get out of the car and run around. Everything I touched felt orgasmic (kind of like ecstacy). For about 15 minutes everything was better than it had been in my life. I wanted SOOO badly to take another hit, but I knew I should save it to let a few other people try it (and for me to try more of). Within about 45 minutes, it was gone and I had that feeling that I get on coke comedowns where everything sucks.

I did 5-MeO-DMT about 5 other times, and had some of my friends try it too (which taught some of them that they are not so bad ass and hard, that a drug CAN kick their ass). I had one experience where I put 2 or 3 hits worth in and after I took the hit, tears were streaming down from my eyes. All in all, I think 5-MeO-DMT is a great drug. It's not something I would do too many more times, but I would like to have some more of my friends try it so that their egos would get knocked down a few pegs.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 44045
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 10, 2007Views: 6,540
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5-MeO-DMT (58) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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