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Too Intense and Humbling With A Needle
Citation:   -=navel=-. "Too Intense and Humbling With A Needle: An Experience with Ketamine (exp44067)". Nov 25, 2017.

3 lines insufflated Amphetamines (powder / crystals)
    IV Ketamine  
I've been a regular ketamine user for about a year. I took a break of about two years when my trips would end with horrible insomnia and anxiety. I was also starting to see conpiracys against me which where totally insane when I think back.

Had a few drinks last night, did a few lines of speed, and decided to IV some K. I've read a few accounts of people IVing K, but it is not recommended and seen as dangerous / unpleasant.. But I still decided to have a go.

[Erowid Note: Two samples of powder (even of the same chemical) with equivalent volumes won't necessarily weigh the same. For this reason, eyeballing is an inaccurate and potentially dangerous method of measuring, particularly for substances that are active in very small amounts. See this article on The Importance of Measured Doses.]
Eyeballed a nice pile of pure ketamine xtals and dissolved in saline by adding some heat and stirring. Filtered through a piece cotton and drawn up in the syringe. The remaining solution was very clear and a little thick.

Inserted the needle in a big vein in the crook of my elbow, drew back, and slowly pressed the plunger.

When I withdrew the needle I could feel a little lightheaded but after about five seconds I started to hear bells ringing not unlike those heard when doing cocaine shots or a big dose of nitrous. All colours started to warp and a collapsed on the sofa. It was an instant K-hole. I could not move and almost blacked out, I also can't remember much of the trip.. It was to intense and overpowering.

The experience seemed to last about an hour but total time was about 10 minutes. A definite hangover was present: headache, nausea and instant depression for about an hour.

Conclusion: shooting K is way too intense and short lived, the trip was so powerful that it left me humbled and confused.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 44067
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 25, 2017Views: 1,184
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Ketamine (31) : Alone (16), Difficult Experiences (5), General (1)

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