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Surrounded By Monks
Salvia divinorum
Citation:   Pseudonymph. "Surrounded By Monks: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (exp44072)". Erowid.org. Oct 28, 2017. erowid.org/exp/44072

160 mg smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
BODY WEIGHT: 12.5 st
I had had several salvia experiences in the past, some weak, some way too intense, and had decided to perform an experiment to see to what extent it fucks with the heads of others. My guinea pigs were a group of stoners from the surrounding area, two of which were really quite drunk as it was a double birthday. All participants were male and aged around 17 - 22, average in wieght and ranging from quite tall to very tall.

I went into town with my salvia and bought a new pipe for smoking, i had previously owned 4 but lost them all on seperate occasions, and went to the house of the birthday boys. A few joints were passed around before the salvia came out. The pipe was fully loaded and passed around, being loaded up each time it was finished until everyone had sampled the substance. It was compared by two people as being like MDMA and being drunk. A general feeling of happiness spread around the group, one person couldnt stop themselves laughing.

Then the pipe was passed around the group again, people were encouraged to toke strongly and hold the smoke in for as long as they could (the best way to do it). This is when the effects became more noticeable on people. I started sweating quite profusely and had a feeling of sharp things being pressed against my body, meaning hyper sensitivity was occurring. One in the group was uncontrollably salivating and drooled all over the birthday cake. People made almost no sense whatsoever, and were agreeing on seemingly deep remarks like 'shit.... its.. fuck'. I had a feeling of being drawn into the walls, like they were tugging me into them. Others experienced this, one believing he was part of the floor.

Vision can be distorted hugely on a salvia trip and seriously freaked out one of the people (the drooler). He saw hundreds of black squares flying at him and tried to hit them away with his hands, but couldnt stop them. He then got up and ran out of the house before anyone could stop him and ran down the street screaming and trying to lose the black squares. Luckily he ran in to a friend coming up to the house, and was comforted and walked back inside. Another friend had ran away screaming on a 30x extract experience previously.

On salvia many people find it hard to string a comprehensible sentence together, i once spent an entire trip on 20x extract trying to say that it was working while the world spiralled around me. The trip lasted about 5 minutes or less, depending on the extract smoked, and totally wore off after about an hour. After an intense trip the perception of reality was altered somewhat for at least half an hour, i once thought i was being controlled by a tree for about 45 minutes.

Those who didn't freak out seemed to enjoy the effects, most of us laughed uncontrollably for a fair while. There was only one case of the salvia sleep, where someone gets totaly involved in their trip, closes their eyes (or lets them roll into the back of their head - quite scary) and doesnt come out for about 5 minutes. It was impossible communicating with the one who was this far into the experience, and its took a lot of salvia to get to. I have experienced this three or four times before, and couldn't work out what the person was trying to say when he attempted an explaination so i will describe a previous experience. I was transported to another world where i could see me through a screen, but i was surrounded by monks for some reason. The monks explained to me that i had been unravelled from my world by smoking too much salvia and needed to be wrapped up again. They then ripped my world from the screen and wrapped it around me. Then, for no apparent reason, one monk pulled at a zip on his forhead and unzipped himself, think of a coat that is actually a monk. I was then very confused when i came out of it, and thought the monks were real for about half an hour.

All in all, it was a very fun experience.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 44072
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 28, 2017Views: 914
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