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Tea versus Smoked
Blue Lotus
Citation:   Cannabinge. "Tea versus Smoked: An Experience with Blue Lotus (exp44271)". Mar 12, 2007.

1.5 g smoked Lotus/Lily - Nymphaea nouchali var caerulea (dried)
  4.0 g oral Lotus/Lily - Nymphaea nouchali var caerulea (tea)
I get some Blue Lotus via the internet. Me and my buddy tried smoking it first. We loaded about 1.5 grams in a corncob pipe and lit it up. I was surprised by two things. Firstly the smoke was way more harsh than marijuana smoke, as soon as I exhaled it I felt an irritating tickle in my throat. This being said, the smoke tastes really good, kind of like opium. It definitely had an effect, as time seemed to be warped into slow motion, walking seemed dream like, my head felt like a balloon, etc. However 20 minutes later I got a pretty bad headache that ended up just knocking me out.

So a few days later I instead tried the tea method. Much better. Its effects aren't instantly noticeable, but sure enough a calming, sedative euphoria came over me and lasted for about 3 to 4 hours. It feels strikingly similar to Vicodin or other synthetic pain killers, however without the itchiness.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 44271
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 12, 2007Views: 17,135
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Lotus/Lily - Nymphaea nouchali var caerulea (105) : First Times (2), Retrospective / Summary (11), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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