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Just Me
Citation:   writingdreaming. "Just Me: An Experience with MAOI & DMT (exp44787)". Aug 2, 2017.

  oral MAOIs (pill / tablet)
    oral DMT  
    smoked DMT  
I was out with friend when I met this guy and we got talking, and eventually he asked me if I wanted to try DMT, explaining it was from [ ], Australia and of high quality. He explained the basics of where it was from and so, without really knowing the full powers of DMT, I said yes.

We had some MAOI pills. Ate two or three small portions of what looked like in his stash bag a gram, which he said he payed A$150. Then I smoked some thru a bong which hit me instantly. This had similarity to LSD when it is first taking effect but about 10fold. Normally with LSD I watch the world as my perception shifts into a different view, DMT was quicker and took me further away from my 'normal' perception that any chemical substance had. We walked down the street talking to people, my vision had gone kalediscopic and glittery, everything was jolty and very intense.

I realised that this guy was a nutcase and managed to lose him, at the same time as having the most out of this world experience. I always, with any other substance I have taken, maintained my own perspective which is my safety and sense of self, sense of normal, which I can call forth at any time (even if it is somewhere in the back of my head). DMT is the only thing that I was reduced to taking off my shoes (I have no idea how) and holding them, and I knew that as long as I had my shoes I would be fine. A lot of what happened in that time is simply not translatable to my normal conscious awareness. I would guess that it took from initially smoking the DMT up until that time was at least 20 minutes.

I then walked over to a group of people sitting in the park sat down next to an aboriginal guy and explained what had just happened and that I was still 'tripping' fairly hard core. He became my guide instantly, sitting me upright as I had no sense of balance. we talking about our sacred heart land, sharing our personal connection with part of our country. When we finished talking he continued to sit next to me keeping me grounded as someone walked up to me, I asked how he was going, and he said well actually, sat down in front of me told me everything that was going on in his life. I felt completely me, completely centred, very expanded and answered him from the depths of my honest self, he got up thanked me and walked off. Someone immediately filled his place and I asked the same question, and got the same level of complete honesty. This happened with at least 6 people, one after another, my guide occasionally sitting me up again. I felt an overwhelming sense of my own self, it seemed completely normal and natural.

After that night, which continued until the sun came up, I went to bed not being able to explain the enormity of what happened. And the next day I walked around feeling very grounded and very calm. I felt like DMT was a one-off experience, something that I only needed once to remind me just to be myself.

After this experience I heard about other peoples experiences of out of body experiences and talking with aliens, and I realise my experience completely reflects who I am, as it was a very expanding experience from within my body, from the centre of myself, and the only trip I went on was to myself.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 44787
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 2, 2017Views: 1,619
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DMT (18), MAOIs (83) : Combinations (3), General (1), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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