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Glasto' 2000
Ecstasy & Amphetamines
Citation:   Maxxam. "Glasto' 2000: An Experience with Ecstasy & Amphetamines (exp4492)". Jan 23, 2001.

  oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
I always overdo drugs at glastonbury, but 2000 was the worst comedown in over 10. I did over 30 pills of ecstacy, a few grams of 'phet base, copius amount of alcohol and some coke. I had about 10 hrs sleep in that period.

The last night of the festival, I did about 5 pills and got completely drunk then had about 4 hours of sleep, ready to drive back the next day.
Next morning, I just felt a bit hungover but able to drive the 4.5 hrs home, I even had a pint of lager when I got back with my friends. Back home, no real tiredness or unpleasentness until then next morning.

I have never, ever felt like I did on waking up the next day, from any drug and I have tried, most, to the limit. I don't know whether it was the combination of the lack of sleep with ecstacy or just the ecstacy.

I had paranoia, I kept imagining a man in a cloak in my house, I couldn't go out side, every time i used my eye muscles I had the ecstacy shiver. This continued for a week, I couldn't stay on my own and had to have all the doors shut. Over the week the eye 'shivers' lessened, but the paranoia stayed.

I consider myself pretty mentally stable and it seems I have had a glance at complete madness, I still do 'e' but only one at a time and not that often now, about 4 in about 6 months.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 4492
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 23, 2001Views: 14,361
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