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Mourning Glory...
Morning Glory
Citation:   .DXM is better.. "Mourning Glory...: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp44924)". Jan 7, 2020.

100 seeds oral Morning Glory

This was almost the most uncomfortable drug experience I have had, and I've had some bad overdoses. Now, the day after, I have a really bad headache, my eyes are twitching really bad, and colors are kind of distorted. The bad effects I'm feeling now would be tolerable if I had a good experience with the seeds.

It was 10 hours of disgust, I read in everyone elses stories that the nausea is bad. I didn't have much of that....

If you have ever overdosed on sleeping pills then you know exactly how this story goes. Itchy all over, wanting to get up but unable to, uncomfortable internal twitching. It would probably be comparable to a heavy dose of dramamine without the pleasant visuals. It made me feel very distant from and irritated by my girlfriend who is the only person that I can count on to help me when I'm having bad 'experiences'.

Overall, I believe that for me, a dose over 5-10 seeds is extremely desperate for a reality distortion. 5 seeds would work well as a natural alternative to sleep medication, but in my opinion this is very bad for recreational use.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 44924
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 7, 2020Views: 763
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Morning Glory (38) : Difficult Experiences (5), Hangover / Days After (46), Unknown Context (20)

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