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Undeniable Beauty in the Snowy Enclave
Citation:   Gatman. "Undeniable Beauty in the Snowy Enclave: An Experience with LSD (exp44995)". Sep 6, 2019.

3 tablets oral LSD (blotter / tab)
I'd sworn to myself I'd never try Psychedelics, and, most probably, I won't do them again seeing as I've tripped around 10 times, but I've decided to share, for those looking to try Acid, my Acid experience which was almost indescribably beautiful. Sometime this past February (2005) I was able to find a sheet of Acid with some friends, and after selling most of it off, I reserved about 5 hits to myself. The night I had it, I decided, though only having done Acid once before (and only 1 hit) to take a large dose--3 hits. It was supposedly quite powerful, and, as you'll read in a moment, I, at the very least, thought it was.

At around 12 AM I took my three hits, and thought I was getting ripped off for the first hour. And then, very suddenly, I began to come up very, very quickly. I'd been pretty experienced at that point, and was only mildly afraid. I was with two girls, whom I liked, and a psychotic kid who I didn't like, but I'll get to that later.

The first 4 or so hours of the trip were marvelous. It snowed 2 feet overnight, and I watched it--on three hits of acid. The snowflakes cast the most intriguing shadows under the low-intensity lamp outside of my dorm, and they seemed to be undulating in large, beautiful shapes, spinning through and amongst each other like some kind of non-aggressive bee tribe, swirling and shooting back and forth. I was so incredibly overwhelmed I sat down in the snow, wearing, thankfully, heavy clothing, and began to trip the fuck out. At that point, I started getting the Fear very briefly, but luckily, I got a kiss on the cheek and magically, as if a lukewarm substance were injected into me, I started to have the most amazing visuals. Returning to my room (because it was balls in your stomach cold) I ran into an RD who was, thankfully, Drunk out of his mind. I reached my room and hallucinated for about 3 hours with the two girls.

My trip only turned *mildly* bad when I was left alone with this guy. We'll call him Fuckbag. Fuckbag was on about a hit and a half, which I sold to him for an exorbant 15 bucks a hit (when I'd gotten it at 6.50) and he was bugging out--bad. He was the kind of guy who filled empty space with needless conversation, and I thought he was speaking some weird, alien dialect of English that coincided only in its words rather than in sentence structure or grammar. Finally, after listening to his raging trippy bullshit for a few hours, I came down, and had a very large, very tasty breakfast. I know this story wasn't THAT amazing. Peace

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 44995
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 6, 2019Views: 675
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