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Meth and Me
Citation:   That one guy. "Meth and Me: An Experience with Methamphetamine (exp45126)". Nov 6, 2007.

  repeated smoked Methamphetamine (daily)
There's really no one place to start with methamphetamine. I still find it difficult to put exact times and amounts on this stuff. Ballpark estimate says about a couple grams a day typically. [Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.] Smoking sessions would last for days on end. This would go on and off for a months, depending on my disgust with the product at the time and cash flow. I guess it should also be noted that I've heard so many variances as far as what's put into this shit or how it's processed. I'm not even going to pretend to know all that much about it's manufacture. I believe it's chipped from the Devil's own brittle bones, but I have yet to prove that.

What I can tell you is that after trying every method short of mainlining, I overwhelmingly decided that smoking was the way to go. I found that it was nearly impossible for me to reach and maintain comfortable levels when cutting lines. Capsules usually destroy me and keep destroying for too long. Pulling from a pipe was like taking a bit at each time, seeing where my head was, and then dosing accordingly. Also, the activity of igniting the shit itself was exciting. It takes a little skill to do it just right and that takes practice.

Different chemicals do different things for people. I'd start by taking five or six very healthy draws from the pipe and just try to keep going from there. I found that the higher I got, the less things mattered. While really wound up, I couldn't be less paranoid. I found myself less concerned with anything going on which usually led to me increasing the frequency of smoking. The only really negative effect was the restlessness. It was very hard to keep things interesting. This sometimes led to agitation. I could understand why it's so common to see some smokers try and turn a toaster into police scanner or some such ridiculous shit. That kind of thing never occurred to me as I usually stayed put thinking of nothing at all. The high suited how I wanted to feel most of the time. Content. I could climb any mountain, I just don't have to because everything's great as is. I could sit and talk casually. The key to me was to keep things high but not out of control. And it worked famously. For a while.

Whatever chemicals were catastophically re-arranged in my head either depleted or rebelled and things started to nose dive fast. Some people know how the third day gets, and how quickly it arrives. I've heard proposterous numbers of days that people have stayed up but to me personally, I found my ceiling usually after the third day. It's painful in a way that's not easily identifiable. The depression and morbidly inflated dependence are a nightmare. Eating's not practical because I can't salivate. Everything I eat's like eating crumpled up notebook paper. Sleep's out of the question too. I'd thought that this could be remedied by taking sleeping pills. They do work, but I don't know how much sleep is worth if my heart is trying to pound out of my chest for eight hours. Fucking miserable.

There were also a couple times where vivid hallucinations, completely indistinguishable from reality, took over. I'd heard about this happening to severely sleep deprived people and it's treated as a form of acute schizophrenia. I'm usually a fan of things gettin' all crazy but I prefer to know if the people around me are real or not. After about the fourth or fifth time this occurred, it became less bothersome and even amusing but I wouldn't recommend going there often. This is where the stupid stuff happens that spawns urban legends. Oh, and I took some half-assed advice to smoke a joint to mellow out and stimulate the appetite but it only increased the paranoia dramatically. I still believe to this day that these episodes had more to do with the particular concoction I'd gotten my grubby little hands on, but that I'm not sure of either.

No matter what I do, there's no avoiding the crash. It sucks but it's bearable. It's my body and mind kicking and screaming like some bratty little child. Some medications work better than others (xanax, valium, soma, have worked well for me) but even that can be counterproductive. Other reports have suggested eating and that is really the best route. I start easy with something like jello and chewable multi-vitamins. Water's great too.

It can turn my mind against me and invent reasons to abuse. I haven't seen anyone come out ahead with this stuff, myself very much included. It's probably the reason narrow-minded people can pass half-baked, unfair blanket laws that usually end up putting decent people in prison or denying sick people the medicine they need.

What goes up...

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 45126
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 6, 2007Views: 13,899
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Methamphetamine (37) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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