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Absolute Heaven
Citation:   Sitka. "Absolute Heaven: An Experience with DMT (exp45190)". Mar 5, 2007.

1 repeated smoked DMT (powder / crystals)
wow. so on tuesday evening, i got kidnapped by my friends who live in a humungous RV. we drove through the columbia river gorge, picked up supplies, and went out to my favorite sacred journeying spot in the world. (i've done yage, rain, shrooms & delores there now) it's a city of rocks, surging up from the earth, surrounded by cliffs, ridges, the columbia river and mount hood. we fell asleep in a cuddle puddle underneath a billion stars with thirty shooting stars over the course of the night. we lay there and shared space.... in the morning, we were being. with the rocks, meditating, with the poop... and then - we JOURNEYED. Delores / DMT. She's a very magical, intense and potent spirit. I did her once last summer, and it was a very grounded, short experience. I sat on rocks and felt pulsations of earth energy undulate through the rocks. I had no idea what would happen this time. I'd heard of people instantaneously being transported to other dimensions - but that only happens with mushrooms or ayahuasca for me.

round one: instaneous colorful melting of the world. I saw the sacred rocks become colorful. This place is a trip zone, made for journeying. I have seen these rocks come to life before and walk around. This time, the energy they carried was so beautiful. I prayed to Mother Earth - thanking her for everything she has shared with me and nourished me. I gazed at Mount Hood intensely. I stayed very grounded. Watched the world around me melt and undulate with color, saw my friend David glow with colorful intensity, his hair alive, electrified - everything about him was beautiful. Michaelah's face began to melt and swirl with celtic knot designs. I closed my eyes, and the visions were beautiful lines, colors, celtic knot designs undulating. My body felt insanely blissful, like I could start levitating. The peace that overcame me was startlingly centered.

when M did her first hit, she was hit by cosmic full body orgasm, a thousand little micro-elves tickling her whole body into ecstatic bliss... she journeyed into a city in another dimension where nobody talked. D flew with a blue eagle over the horizon.

round two: the four of us - Me, M, D, & A we each placed our heads at the center so our heads were touching in the middle. We prayed, burned incense, played the singing bowl as we passed the pipe. We each took a hit very quickly and layed down. this was easily one of the most intense psychadelic visions I've ever experienced in my life. I immediately fell back and flew up into the cosmos. I can't describe this with words, there exists no language for this place. Basically - I would describe it as heaven, where everything is eternal life, absolute bliss, the most intense cosmic love vibration, higher than is possible to comprehend. I've experienced this place before with mushrooms and its intensity is out of this world. There was a lot of light, bright sky blue, pinks, yellows, lots of energy moving and undulating in such beauty I can never do justice. I didn't go to a place or experience any beings or aliens. It was just complete and absolute nirvana / bliss, merging in the oneness. There was not even a moment of fear or worry. I realized that things were becoming more peaceful and more serene and that the Delores would be waning soon. So I immediately regrounded, stood up and walked over to the rocks overlooking the river. (this place has the most amazing view of everything around for miles because you are high on top of a huge rock formation) and I saw the river undulate with the most intense colorful beauty - reminding me of the Ayahuasca visions from a few years ago. the stones, everything was beautiful. And I began to SING. This song was the most intensely soulful experience, I was channelling things through the voice that I never knew were possible. Doing things with my lips that I've never done before - quivering, making sounds I have no idea how to replicate. The music that poured out was beyond beautiful - it was psychadelic. Afterwards, we were all in such intense states of peace.

Shortly, M was telling us how when she opened her eyes, she saw a portal door in the rocks. So they walked over to the rocks, knocked on the door and tried to pry it open. I said the problem is - it's already open, with the time & space illusion cloaking us it's hard to realize. I sat on the rocks, soaking in divine bliss, overlooking the river and boulder hopped. (my favourite thing to do in the world.)

we left and swam in the columbia river - such beauty. I ran into my animal totem - the Heron standing in the river, and gazed at her for quite some time. This felt like such a sign - an affirmation. She flew away and we ate blackberries and loved each other & shared stories.....


Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 45190
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 5, 2007Views: 7,156
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DMT (18) : Nature / Outdoors (23), Glowing Experiences (4), Group Ceremony (21)

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