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So Fun I Was Up All Night
Citation:   Loki M. "So Fun I Was Up All Night: An Experience with Phentermine (exp45194)". May 8, 2006.

30 mg oral Pharms - Phentermine (pill / tablet)
When I first started taking phentermine, I was 14 years old. I had never done drugs of any kind before, and I didn't really know what this would do. I just knew that it was illegal without prescription and would make me 'not hungry'. I smuggled some illegaly in to the states from mexico. I wanted to be thin, and at 14, drugs were the obvious way to do it!

Phentermine makes me happy, it makes me hyper... and it makes me manic depressive when abused. I developed a tolerance to taking one pill at a time pretty quickly, so I upped the dose to two. I also took it later in the day to give myself something to look forward to at the end of the day. Bad idea. this lead to entire nights where I would be up making lists. Lists of everything. Lists of things to do, presents to get people for christmas, presents I wanted for christmas, things I should pick up at the store, songs I should download, CD's I should buy, money people owed me... I'd do it all night. I'd clean all night long sometimes. I'd fast for days. My diet was diet coke and speed. What a druggie.

I was 145lbs to begin with. I was 115lbs when I realized it was time to stop. For someone who is 5'7'', this is not good. Because I was skeletal. But at the time, I thought I looked great. Eventually, I started to run out and had to weedle myself off of it. I was anorexic and obsessive about the drug so this was difficult.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 45194
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 14
Published: May 8, 2006Views: 23,817
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Pharms - Phentermine (248) : Alone (16), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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