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'I Am Going to Die'
by 'K'
Citation:   'K'. "'I Am Going to Die': An Experience with Cannabis (exp45255)". Nov 7, 2007.

15 hits smoked Cannabis (plant material)
This is some weird shit, but anyways I will tell my story anyways. I have tried weed 4 or 5 times before I freaked and had no problems.

All started like this. After school one day me and a friend got some pretty good shit. We were walking and I couldnt wait to smoke and we finally got to the spot and thats all I could think bout was, getting so stoned. Me and my friend passed the hitter. After about 4 hits I strted feeling sumthing and I just bursted out laughing.

It felt as I was a camera and I took a picture of my friend and everything just froze up right there. I didnt realize it but by the time we stopped, I had about 15 hits and he had about the same (and 15 hits was alot for me and I usually never smoke weed)

We were supposed to walk to a friends house but I started to feel.... Fucked up. I sat down and I could feel my heart beating and I got really scared, it was really fast and hard. I told my friend the same and he said, yea thats fucked up. I just started thinking about all the shit that could be wrong.

I told him to call our other friend to have him come pick us up, I was fukin scared as hell. As we were waiting, everytime I turned my head a certain way I heard a theme song, this may sound weird but its the truth. So after like 15 min we finally get picked up and I started freaking out even more and felt like I was going to die in the car and I wanted to go to the hospital, thats how scared I was.

We got back to his house and I us laid on his couch and I accually felt like I was going to die and it just kept getting worse. I couldnt take it any longer and they wanted to know what I did because I looked so fucked up and I told my friends sister and she told everyone at their house and then I kept hearing in my head that I was going to die. I wanted to tell my mom. I dont know why I did want to but I really thought I was going to die and I wanted to tell her because I thought it would be the last time I was talking to her.

I called and told her and I regreted it like an hour after I said that to her. But after about 4 hours everything was back to normal and I felt fine.

I think I could have been having a panic attack while I was high and thats what made me freak out but I'm not sure. But from then till today, I still freak out if my heart rate is higher than it is supposed to be. But like whenever I do anything like smoke ciggs or drink, I always feel my pulse to make sure its not fuckin racing like it was when I smoked the one time. I regret ever smoking weed and would have have taken that decision back if I had the choice. All I know is that from then till now, I have been feeling to see if my hr is fast. Mostly everyday, all because I smoked up that one time. What I'm trying to say is that if you really want to smoke weed and really want to try it like I did, do not smoke a lot for the first times u do.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 45255
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 7, 2007Views: 4,487
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Cannabis (1) : Post Trip Problems (8), Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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