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May Restrict Urination - Dose Carefully
Citation:   Henry S.. "May Restrict Urination - Dose Carefully: An Experience with Kratom (exp45265)". Feb 14, 2006.

14 g oral Kratom (powder / crystals)
One of the problems with the Kratom market is that quality is massively variable. I have taken 6 grams before and it's been a stronger experience than another batch of 12 grams. I have stuck solely to the powdered kratom going round the UK at the moment. There seems to be a lot of discrepancies about whether it is stronger in powdered, resin or leaf forms. No suppliers seem particularly concerned with clearing up any of the confusion.

I strongly recommend starting on a low dosage. Many headshops sell it in packets of 6 grams. Sometimes this hasn't done much, sometimes it has been quite powerful. I've knowingly taken 12 grams of this. Recently however I was sent some from a friend and didn't actually check the weight. I thought it was a few grams; turned out it was more like 16 grams! I didn't find out till aftewards and what followed was unpleasant.

The usual opiate-like effects came on, but I was more euphoric than usual. The problem was I couldn't urinate; I had what they call 'billy willy' in the UK where you take speed or E and can't relax your bladder muscles because of the serotonin rushes. This was pretty bad. I tried to relax for ages but couldn't piss and had to go back to bed. Very painful and distressing. I later woke up to find blood in my boxers. I had pissed out blood. By the morning I had come down and with the help of a diuretic (tea) managed very long piss, normal piss.

Naturally this was very disturbing. I wouldn't recommend high doses; check the levels. This drug is similar to codeine in effects. We don't know anything aout the toxicity of kratom. Just because it's natural doesn't mean it isn't dangerous.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 45265
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 14, 2006Views: 20,694
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Kratom (203) : Health Problems (27), Unknown Context (20)

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