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Energies of the Mother of the Universe
Phalaris Grass (P. aquatica)
Citation:   anonymous. "Energies of the Mother of the Universe: An Experience with Phalaris Grass (P. aquatica) (exp45291)". Aug 7, 2018.

    Phalaris Grass (plant material)
I read online about sheep getting phalaris 'staggers' during the time I was looking for information on DMT and the thought crossed my mind that perhaps the phalaris had MAOI in it and that the sheep were high on something like ayahuasca.

So I got a big handful of leaves and rhizomes (which I read contain pure dmt, the part the leaves are growing out of but not the seed stalk) and I kinda twisted them untill I was satisfied some of the membranes were open and put it in a large glass of water and let it sit. The flavor was nice, sort of sweet.

The feeling of connection with nature is very pronounced and the comfort that the russian olive/phalaris experiancer noted I have also experianced. I would say that phalaris feels a bit like the energies of the mother of the universe. Not particularly harsh in some of the ways that I am used to from a more 'male' type of energy.

And also I notice the next day (now) that my vision is indeed better, and still sort of... Warpy. My body feels relaxed and overall I just feel more at peace than I did when I was about to drink.

Overall the words that best describe phalaris aquatica as an ayahuasca in my mind are: good medicine.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 45291
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 7, 2018Views: 2,611
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Phalaris Grass (174) : Preparation / Recipes (30), First Times (2), Not Applicable (38)

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