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Wonderful Way High Up
Citation:   Born Again. "Wonderful Way High Up: An Experience with 2C-I (exp45323)". Jan 30, 2022.

T+ 0:00
37 mg   2C-I
  T+ 2:15 1 cig. smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes
  T+ 3:20   smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes
  T+ 4:00   smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes
One hour after dosing,

Getting high

Music is a mood elevator, however, when the music is removed, an intense awareness of silence was perceived that cause immense pleasure, like 'peaking' when on mdma or e.

Two hours after dosing...

Extreme body high, similar to ecstacy, but much more vibrant. As I look at the screen, I see blue green purple, patterns are floating around on the screen.

At 2 hours and fifteen minutes.

We smoked a cigarette outside on our last break, and it was cold, the cold is still with us.

This is much better than the body high of acid, though the visuals are similar so far. I feel like there is a helmet or hat on my head, even though there's nothing. There's a strange pressure there.

Time to change the music... Deep house. Music is good, but we take a break...

I got quite hyper, my friend got really floored. While taking a look at myself from 'afar' I realized that I am physically trashed. Like, tore up from the floor up. For lack of a better phrase. The white on the page just got whiter. Now all kinds of shit is moving and bleeding through the web page.

Visuals are getting intense right now, is it because there's no music? Let's turn it back on and see.

I feel like the music sets a mood. And with too much focus on it might take away from the visual entertainment. But, both together when the music reaches a point of enjoyment.... pretty cool, but I have to pee.

More high than before.

Three hours:

So, I'm having a good fucking time. Just wish I had a hooka, huka, juka.

When compared with acid, this feels more like ecstacy. Like 'candy flipping'. Like the feeling of ecstacy but it also entails the feeling of acid. The body high varies greatly from acid. In such positive ways as an increased euphoria, and more full body rather than the typical 'chest' high from LSD. This is much more like mdma, because of the 'full body high'.

Increased high since last time. There is no sign of coming down.

Trails... faint by hand movements. Haven't tried anything else. Nothing interests me but experiencing this. I want to have a cigarette, but it's cold outside damnit.

3:20 after dosing:

We smoked. Made him more high. Still peaking, the peak is like a never ending thing, once it hits it gets greater and greater, until... whatever, who knows? Visuals became more noticable with tracers of cigarettes, hehe. Those are fun. The carpet has become really interesting, like a kaliedescope, textures, color changes, swirling, moving, crawling, 'pretty cool'.

4:00 after dosing:

I am feeling very lazy... kinda dozed off there, but not really sure if I did. He has taken over the typing since I'm stuck on the bed. It felt like I had my eyes closed for a long time, but only a few minutes. Now I feel tired, yet still very high. The high is very music driven. The visuals are still very intense. It's interesting how the words keep melding together on the screen.

the sun is starting to come up... time to go smoke again.

5:00 after dosing:

I'm asleep and he is still way up. The intensity is still very high... body high is still way up, the visuals are still quite distorted and silly at times. Mostly just things moving around, the walls are still breathing... but it's not like random weird shit is flying out at me, that would be funny. Not sure why I can sleep and he can't. He's gonna lay back down, but he'll probably be back here in an hour.

That's it, it's now 12 hours. I don't feel very tired, and I don't have any kind of hangover, just need to wake up, coffee might even be good. Unlike when coffee isn't good after E. Good Stuff, very fun trip.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 45323
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 30, 2022Views: 336
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