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Making Voices With My Mind
LSD & Ketamine
Citation:   Moon Watcher. "Making Voices With My Mind: An Experience with LSD & Ketamine (exp45346)". Feb 15, 2020.

7 drops oral LSD (liquid)
  1 line insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
Acid Test

Having had a lot of experience with LSD, including large doses. I decided to test a drop of liquid that a friend had recently required. I've taken seven drops of liquid before and having had experience of different bottles I thought I would be ok for the ride.

I took the drop and sat back to relax at my friends house, there was some Ketamine going and I took a line as I was a bout to come up. About 10 mins in I went to the toilet and the white walls already had full-on fractal patterns moving across them. I just realized that I had consumed an extremely large dose of a bottle that definitely need watering down!

I proceeded to leave my friends house and stagger across town to a pub where we were meeting friends. I used to stay in my house when tripping, unless I was somewhere safe like the countryside. I think this was a mistake walking around a city ski hi. Anyway getting to the noisy pub was rather unpleasant, my mind was making it's own speech out of all the different conversations and It started making it's own voices. People kept talking to me and I couldn't make out what they where saying.

I was still riding it at this stage, when it was suddenly closing time, I knew this was a bad sign as it seemed I had only just got there, I should have been leveling out yet I was still coming up. I left the pub and my friend got all heavy on me, he warned me that I was heading for a bad trip and that he had been where I had (not a very nice thing to say although to be fair I was so out of it I might have imagined him saying it.

I went onto the party and things got from bad to worse, I started walking home convinced that I was going to die. A close friend walked me back and I honestly thought he was Satan. This is odd as I am not christian, anyway I seriously thought I was Christ walking through the desert with my friend was satan trying to trick me. I got home and walked into my house, it was dark and I new that when I goto my room I was going to die. I ran out onto the street screaming and my friend came back. I thought everything he asked me was a test to see if I would goto heaven or hell. It was like I was trapped inside a maze within my mind with every thought relating to my bad trip and eternal damnation.

By this stage the sun had come back up, I went for a walk and noticed that the moon was still in the ski. I finally had a realization that reality was not the dichotomy of good and evil as in my bad trip and that I simply existed like the moon in the ski. I had managed to break through of the loop in which my thoughts had been running and relax once again into the universe.

In a way I think I learnt more about myself from my one bad trip than all my pleasurable things. In a quest for knowledge it's important to accept that some of the best lessons aren't easy to swallow.

Hey at least I can say I was a Liquid Acid Guineia pig

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 45346
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 15, 2020Views: 1,063
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LSD (2), Ketamine (31) : Combinations (3), Bad Trips (6), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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