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Check Up with Doc
Citation:   strangewurkah. "Check Up with Doc: An Experience with DOC (exp45472)". Erowid.org. Oct 4, 2005. erowid.org/exp/45472

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11 mg oral DOC
[Erowid Note: It is likely that the substance in this report was misidentified and was actually different than DOC.]

Ok well to start I would like to say that previously I have had experience with DOI, and no other drugs from the group, but lots of DOI. We had been messing around with the DOC for quite a while. I was yet to try it, but I knew alot who had. It seemed
to be nearly inactive at all at around 5 mg which really suprised me. I finally decided to try it yesterday.

I swallowed the 11mg of DOC around 10:P.M. knowing that it would probably keep me up. I began to feel the effects around the time I should. I would say by one hour I was certainly a bit altered. The drug has a very strong body effect almost similar to that of MDMA. I think at very high doses of this drug like maybe 20-30 mg could probably induce an MDMA like state. Two hours in I was noting some slight visuals, but I must say that the visuals were far beaten out by the extreme body effects. I can only describe it as a good thing. No discomfort which suprised me for the dosage. Once I reached the peak at about 3 hours the visuals pretty much ceased. I was feeling euphoric and in a great mood though, and like I said visuals certainly are not the most noticable effect. From hours 5 to 8 not much seemed to change, and I was in good spirits all night. We had alot of energy, because the group of people I was with decided to take a walk, and we walked for quite a while. I would say most of the effects became very mild by hour 10, and sleep could most definetely be an option.

I think it is funny how the dosage of this drug is said to be much less, and the effects are supposed to last much longer. My friends and I have found the dosage to be much more pleasant over 10mg. Plus even at these so called high doses the effects really did not last nearly as long as the literature says, but I guess that just proves it is a very unexplored drug.

In my opinion it could be a pretty popular drug, because while it was really interesting in my friends home, and nieborhood. I could see it going well at a dance party, or any other social event that would be fitting. That is really all I got to say thats interesting so Peace out Ya'll.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 45472
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 4, 2005Views: 579
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Unknown (120), DOC (357) : Small Group (2-9) (17), What Was in That? (26), General (1)

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