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One of the Best Experiences of my Life
MDMA (Ecstasy)
Citation:   Good Stuff. "One of the Best Experiences of my Life: An Experience with MDMA (Ecstasy) (exp45522)". Nov 27, 2007.

1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
E is probably the coolest thing I have ever experienced!! My friend and I had been wanting to do it for years, but I guess we were too scared because of all the rumors about it making your spinal fluid reverse and stuff of that nature. Anyways, one night we went to our friends place to pick it up. We had Red Porsches printed on the tablets, I believe. It was rated an 8.5/10 I think.

Anyways, we went back to my friends house, did some research and prepared ourselves for this adventure. We decided that we were not going to let anyone in the room we were going to do it in and that we would not leave the room, because we really didn't know what to expect and we didn't want people from her house talking about how crazy we were the night before. We got some water, orange juice, dimmed the lights and took 1 hit each. We turned her laptop screen saver and some techno/ trip hopish kinda music on. Right after I took the E, I remember thinking that it wasn't going to work because I didn't feel anything right away. We started getting impatient, so we began to discuss other things we could to that night like go out to a party or rent movies and chill. Well, about 15 minutes after we took the E, I started feeling a little different. It wasn't bad or good- just different. I started feeling a tingling in my joints, especially in my wrists and I also started feeling a wave of warmth go throughout my body. I started to feel kind of agitated/ gitty and I felt like I had to move around. I kept rubbing my hands together- it didn't really feel that great at first, but I still just felt like I needed to be doing that.

Then, we left the dim lighted room to go to the kitchen, where the lights were very bright, to get more water, and then we went back to my friends room. We were probably out of her room for about 10 minutes. But, as soon as I reentered her room, I felt a major change! I think the change was brought on by the music. I suddenly felt like I needed to move to the music. But, the strangest thing was that it felt like the music was actually moving me! I felt as though the music was in me or something. I could feel it on my skin. It was really weird, but sooo much fun! My friend and I have been best friends for years so we felt completely comfortable just letting go in front of eachother. And we did! We just swayed our arms around and let the music take control of our bodies. I remember getting so caught up in the music and was amazing! Everything just felt so right. I was so happy and kind of in this euphoric state.

Then my friend lay down on her bed and then told me that I NEEDED to feel what she was feeling, so I did the same. She has a down comforter and down mattress cover/ pillows so I felt like I was floating on a cloud or something. I felt peaceful and content. We lay there for a few minutes. This was a huge contrast to what we had just been doing (ie. dancing/ jumping around). Anyways, then my friend told me that she had heard that people put lotion on their skin when they are E because it feels good. So, we got some lotion and started rubbing each others arms. I would say this was about 45 minutes into the experience. I noticed that my skin felt different, but I didn't think that it felt necessarily 'good'...yet, anyway. It felt kinda numb, like it was my skin, but not. Whenever my friend would touch my skin it felt as though her hand was sinking into my arm, but it wasn't scary or anything- it actually felt really cool. It felt like my skin was swollen. It's a really hard sensation to explain.

Then we got up again and started dancing to the music and watching the screen saver on her laptop. I would say about an hour into the experience is when EVERYTHING changed! It got a billion times better! I remember feeling really, really warm. So, my friend and I changed into boxers and tank tops. I remember standing up and feeling the coolness of the tile floor on the bottoms of my feet. The cold felt so amazing that I think I even lay down ON the floor. I remember my friend and I couldn't stop saying: 'Everything is soooo beautiful!' If anyone had seen us, who did not know that we were trippin, they would have thought we were INSANE! We started touching things around the room and I remember noticing just how beautiful EVERYTHING was! I was TOO happy about everything. I remember thinking: 'How does this stuff exist? This SHOULD NOT's WAY too good!' I could not believe the feelings of happiness, harmony, accpetance, etc...that I was feeling.

My friend and I then got back onto the bed and started to do the whole lotion thing again...and this time, it felt soo incredible- better than before. I can't even explain how amazing it felt! We then started talking...A LOT!! I don't think I've ever talked that much in my life...and about such a broad range of subjects. We really opened up to each other, more than we ever had. It was a really great bonding experience for us, and I'm glad that I bonded with her, and not some random person.

The whole experience was amazing and life-altering. I see the world in a whole different way now. I think we even had tears in our eyes, it was so emotional and beautiful. The last time I did E, I got a really sucky one, I only felt the affects for like 15 minutes. This time that I just wrote about lasted about 3 1/2 hours.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 45522
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 27, 2007Views: 6,265
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MDMA (3) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Relationships (44), Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2)

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