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Outward Bound
Meditation & OBE
Citation:   mind7. "Outward Bound: An Experience with Meditation & OBE (exp45544)". Jun 25, 2007.

Previous mystical experiences: A feeling of pure bliss/love while meditating on mushrooms – knowing that I and everything else was God.

Previous drug experiences: I sniffed coke about twenty times during a span of about a year/ Consumed E at least once every weekend for about four months/Tried acid once/Smoked crystal for about two weeks .

Previous plant experiences: I’ve smoked a lot of Cannabis/ I’ve smoked salvia divinorum a few times in the last month (only light doses).

I have been mediating daily for about a few months now, and I’ve experienced some pretty incredible coincidences. When I tap into this infinite organizing field of intelligence, my deepest wishes seem to manifest. But something happened today that I was not expecting. I was kind of stressed out, so I decided that I would mediate for a while. I hopped on my bed and closed my eyes. While lying down, I used the mantra so- hum (thinking the word “so” while inhaling, and “hum” while exhaling, while concentrating on the sound of my breath)(1). I also would periodically stop the breath work (every minute or two), and just lay there in silence – allowing no thoughts to enter my consciousness. When this became too difficult to sustain, I would return to the breath work.

I’m guessing that I was meditating for about fifty minutes, and then it happened. My body felt very light, and I could sense that I was disconnecting from it. I then consciously made it my intention to leave my body (although I didn’t actually think it was going to happen). I felt myself going up towards the roof in a quick-like fashion – and even though I didn’t look down – it was evident that I was out of my body ( I could see that I was in my room , even though my eyes were closed). I wasn’t really happy or scared at first – I just 'was'. I then started to think that maybe I would die if I stayed 'out' for an extended period of time, so I tried to return to my body. I opened my eyes (which was difficult), and I laid there in amazement. An out of body experience – and I wasn’t even high! This was the most amazing thing that I have ever experienced. Next time, I’ll see if I can prolong the experience for a little longer.

(1) – this is the mantra Deepak Chopra recommends

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 45544
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 25, 2007Views: 6,276
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Meditation (128) : General (1), Alone (16)

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