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Even With a Sound Mind, HPPD Persists.
Citation:   Out and About. "Even With a Sound Mind, HPPD Persists.: An Experience with LSD (exp45741)". Mar 14, 2018.

  repeated   LSD
This is not a trip report, I've read trip reports and they've all been really interesting. People take note of the details, or see the larger picture in a new light and they can write it out clearly so everyone else can (to an extent) understand what they did. When I try to write about my trips, the experience is lost in translation. Therefore, I will talk to you about my experience with HPPD.

'HPPD comes in two different forms. One hallucinogen user, while not currently intoxicated, may occasionally notice a spontaneous LSD-like flashback, which will go away after a short time. On the other hand, another user may experience constant, irreversible, LSD-like perceptual disturbances that persist 24 hours a day; they can continue for the rest of their life.' -from a website

I have eaten LSD in large quantities (at least 300 micrograms per trip) around 80 times, with lower dose trips (usually around 100 mics) counting up to about 10. This was spread over a year period, with the majority being toward the end of the year.

Of the two forms of hppd, I most definately have the latter. Early in the morning I wake up and can see patterns in the white paint in my room. This occurs on mornings where I don't smoke, drink, or do any drugs the night before. When I smoke pot, the feeling is similar to eating around 150 mics of dose. This has continued for the last year of sobriety. Most of my friends are suprised that I don't trip anymore, but there's no need. I handled it all, I've had bad trips, but I never freaked out. I could always handle myself while tripping, and I think that's part of what allows me to handle myself now. While on an LSD trip, I could talk to whoever and usually do whatever needed to get done. It's the same way now, only I don't have a current LSD catalyst.

My mind has seen where lsd can take a person. I'm still sane (or at least mostly so) but my vision and experience of life will not be the same. Of acid, it's a great drug in low frequency. LSD can and did change my perspective.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 45741
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 14, 2018Views: 1,171
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LSD (2) : Retrospective / Summary (11), HPPD / Lasting Visuals (40), Not Applicable (38)

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