Weird Trip
by B-20
Citation:   B-20. "Weird Trip: An Experience with MDA (exp45802)". Sep 14, 2010.

0.5 tablets rectal MDA
[Erowid Note: While it may be that the substance described below is MDA, Ecstasy tablets are notoriously impure or misrepresented, often containing chemicals other than those they are presumed to contain. This report is marked as an MDA report, but readers should be aware that this is more of a general Ecstasy report.]

I have always been interested in taking MDA, but no one I knew ever seemed to have it. Until a week ago when I went to a rave with a couple of my friends. At this party I took quite strong XTC (about 180 mg).

When the rave was over I went to sleep with a friend because I was too tired to walk all the way home (I was still high on the X but I didn't have the energy rush anymore). When we finally got back at my friend's place we decided to share a little red heartshaped pill together (1.00 AM). After I swalloded it he told me that what we just took was MDA. I was surprised cause I thougt it was XTC, but I wasn't scared for I was finally going to have a MDA-trip.

After thirty minutes I noticed that my friend fell asleep. I thought he would wake up when the pill would kick in...but he didn't. I was kinda pissed because now I had to trip on my own on something I wasn't familiar with, so I decided to go to sleep too.

'Unfortunately', I wasn't able to keep my eyes closed when I was trying to fall asleep. This was about sixty minutes after insertion. Suddenly I noticed my body was getting really warm. I knew I was going to reach the peak.

Ninety minutes after insertion I gave up trying to fall asleep. Not only because my pupils were too dilated but also because I was hearing a large croud of people talking to each other. First I thougt it were some peolpe in my friends house but we were home alone. Then I realized the noises I heard were the same as I heard on the rave. This was really weird. I knew this trip would be more psychedelic than XTC.

After two hours of sweating and jaw-clenching I realized I needed to drink water so I went to the kitchen. The kitchen was dark. In a normal state of mind I would be intelligent enough to try to find a light switch but now I didn't really care. This was when the hallucinations really started to kick in. I saw an empty glass standing on the kitchen table. When I tried to pick up the glass I was surprised that I was grabbing air for it was just a (very detailed) hallucination. It took me about ten minutes to find a real glass. I was laughing at my self cause I knew I looked really dumb in my quest for a glass.

I decided to drink my water in his kitchen (still with the lights off). In a matter of seconds the weird, funny hallucinations turned into weirder and scarier ones. I saw two little girls, dressed in all black, sitting in the corner of the room. I also saw a rattle snake sitting on the kitchen counter. I'm pretty scared of snakes and little girls but these hallucinations didn't really seem to bother me. I think because I have enough experience with mushrooms to know to stay calm in frightening situations knowing that the drugs are messing with my head. You also have to realize that your hallucinations are more intense in dark places.

Four hours after insertion I noticed I was getting sleepy again. I layed down on a couch in his living room. Though I was able to close my eyes now, I could not fall into a deep sleep because I was having intense closed-eye visuals. For ninety minutes I was half-asleep, sometimes waking up to drink some water or to take a piss. Finally, about six o' clock in the morning I fell asleep.

Conclusion: after this experience I can say MDA is my favourite drug (yet). The hallucinations/visuals were more magical than the ones I have had with mushrooms (even with strong doses). The next time I take MDA I will probably do it with some other people to see if it really is a love-drug. You can't really find that out when you're tripping alone. All I can say is this was the weirdest trip I ever had. I think you should try a mild dose of mushrooms before you take MDA. Anyway, just be careful you don't take too much the first time.

Greetings from Holland.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 45802
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 14, 2010Views: 14,750
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MDA (34) : Alone (16), First Times (2)

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