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11th Grade on It
Citation:   C rizz. "11th Grade on It: An Experience with Tramadol (exp45914)". Jun 23, 2007.

200 mg oral Pharms - Tramadol (pill / tablet)
I guess you could call me an experienced psychoactive user, meaning I’ve done about everything a 17 year old can get outside of heroin, pcp, and meth. In saying that, I have always wanted a drug that will get me through the day. I would smoke some bud and I would get paranoid and only be buzzed for an hour, or Id take some bars but get the slurred speech so my teachers would know what’s up. Thanks god I got suspended from school and put through the whole drug test shit, where I was forced to find alternatives. This is how I discovered Trams.

The usual xans and oxys would show up on piss tests and make me to noticeable at school. So through the internet, I stumbled on trams. I stole probably 100 pills easy junior year, and loved every minute. 200 mgs of trams would get me fucked up enough to love every single moment and no one could tell. Then I would take 250 to get fucked up oxycontin style but in places where I could act shady. Anyways, that’s about all I can say about the trams and how wonderful those little pills are.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 45914
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 23, 2007Views: 1,186
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Pharms - Tramadol (149) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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