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Where the Universe Ends
Salvia divinorum (40x extract), Alcohol & Cannabis
by Goon
Citation:   Goon. "Where the Universe Ends: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (40x extract), Alcohol & Cannabis (exp45916)". Jun 26, 2010.

0.5 oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  2 hits smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
The night started as all nights usually did, I met up my good friend Kyle and we started driving around and making deals getting people weed all over the city. Eventually we went to his house and started drinking a little bit, maybe half a mickie each.

We then drove to the bottom of his block to meet our dealer to pick up some more chronic. Kyle and I both jumped into his caddy expecting to grab the product and bounce, but he brought up that he had the strongest salvia he could find. Kyle looked over at me and I said lets do it. Our dealer put a little bit of weed on the bottom of a glass pipe and filled the rest of the bowl with 40x extract of salvia. I had never done salvia before and had NO IDEA what to expect, I thought it might be something like weed, boy would I be dead wrong.

Somehow I ended up taking the first hit, I lit the whole bowl up and sucked down as much smoke as I could. After taking my hit I passed the pipe to Kyle, he took a hit and passed it to the guy in shotgun. Soon the pipe was back in my hands I still had my first hit in my lungs when I took the second, I sucked and sucked until I couldn't anymore. Finally I exhaled to my surprise no smoke came out. Instantly everything shone with a eye hurting light and I threw the pipe in Kyle's direction.

After the white faded all I could see was black, at this point I had no idea what was happening, in fact I didn't even know I was human. A huge DNA strand filled the darkness and was every color I ever knew and was pulsating, rotating, and flashing this went on for a little bit until stars starting forming and I could see our solor system and the DNA strand was gone. All of a sudden I was shooting through space at what seemed like warp speed, going deeper and deeper until I shot out of our universe into some strange sponge like aqua blue world. There was a massive shape I kept flying around, eventually I realised it was an organism of some sort. All I can remember about was it had a body figure similar to a human and blue short fur all over its body. I zoomed in on a blackish, brown spot on his lower back, it kept trying to scratch it off but couldn't reach. Then I flew into the germ patch and was going back into our universe until I slammed into Earth.

This was when my vision came back, I came to in Kyle's car driving up to crowfoot shopping centre, which was about 2 km from where I had originally smoked the saliva. For the next hour or two I was trying to put together what had happened. I kept thinking that our Universe, although endless to us was in fact just a germ patch on an organism in some other larger world or dimension.

Salvia truly changed the way I think about things in general, but not in a bad way I seem more open to ideas that before I could of concluded as stupid or retarded, it has opened my mind and let my imagination have no limits.

I had no idea what to expect so I hit it like my last 5-chip of weed in a pipe, which I know now was a very bad idea. I did a very large amount and found it VERY VERY intense, and I'm not new to the drug game either having done weed, mushrooms, extasy, coke, and mescaline. Salvia by far was the most intense visual thing I have ever experienced. The moral of the story is to remeber when trying a new drug to do it in small doses until you get the feel of it. Thanks for readin.. Goon.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 45916
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 26, 2010Views: 4,327
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Entities / Beings (37), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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