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My 4 Ecstasy Experiences
Citation:   HooLi. "My 4 Ecstasy Experiences: An Experience with Ecstasy (exp4594)". Jan 10, 2001.

1 capsl oral MDMA (powder / crystals)
I've had a total of four ecstasy experiences. Three of those consisted of single doses. The other included five doses in a period of three days. The first experience was followed by at least two days of pure bliss. I floated through life, and everything was simply okay the way it was. A particularly enjoyable aftereffect was a day of involuntary gaping. Whenever I let myself get relaxed, I found my jaw hanging open. It felt really good. My three day jag was an unusually endurable journey through a rollercoaster ride of more bliss punctuated by increasing degrees of physical discomfort, lasting just over a week. The painful stages were accompanied by a solid faith in the concept that it was all for a reason and would result in profound spiritual growth. I did a lot of writing during the high, and as the time between me and my ecstasy experiences grows, the profundity of those writings fades from my intellect. However, I know that the magic remains within those words, whether to be experienced again through drugs or natural enlightenment.

Each ecstasy experience has been profoundly different, yet they all share similar aspects. In the last, I enjoyed pleasant visuals when I closed my eyes. I saw spirals of simple objects, such as trees, crosses, stars, etc. In the second experience, I got a kick out of eye jiggles whenever I wrote. All four times, I had no desire to eat. I tried, out of curiosity, but the sensation of taste proved to be a distraction I rushed to leave behind. In three of the trips I spent some time outside, and I got a real understanding of becoming one with nature. The last time with ecstasy, my world became a finite, linear group of solvable dilemmas.

My limited experience with ecstasy has been profoundly positive. If I never experience ecstasy again, I'll forever be grateful for the times we shared. My doses came from two different suppliers, in the forms of powder and tablets. I always took one dose at a time. For the five-dose journey, I took two doses eight hours apart in one day, took a day off, and took three doses four hours apart on the third day. It was simply a compulsive indulgence. My body paid for the following week, but I don't think I've sustained any permanent effects. Nevertheless, I wouldn't recommend the experience. It was unnecessarily risky. I spent many hours wondering if I had permanently impaired myself in some way. I experienced mild nausea, headaches, and extreme shakiness. It's one of those things I'm glad I did, but I probably wouldn't do it over in hindsight...unlike skydiving.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 4594
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 10, 2001Views: 9,179
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MDMA (3) : Unknown Context (20), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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