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I Am Married to an Addict
Crack Cocaine
Citation:   Anonymous. "I Am Married to an Addict: An Experience with Crack Cocaine (exp4611)". Erowid.org. Mar 2, 2001. erowid.org/exp/4611

I am a female, my husband has the problem, i just would like to share with you, all the hurt and pain this drug affects on others. I first want to start of with i just lost a brother to this drug 4 months ago, my husband was clean at 7 months at this time, this is not his first relaspse, but its been the longest lasting one, i dont see his pay check he gets his check and he is gone until its gone, he sells his tools, cd players, our kids things and he even steals to get more.

i dont understand drug addiction but i have tryed to help my husband, he has been in rehap but nothing has worked, he always puts us down and makes us feel like we are the ones with the problem, just the other nite i picked him up off the highway becouse he got jumped and they tryed to take his car, he was bleeding pretty bad, he got 10 staples in his head, and to be honest that is not going to stop him, he has done had a heart attack from this drug a year ago and he still went back to it.

I am leaveing my husband becouse i cant live with the drugs in our life anymore, i just with i could help him but he has to do it hisself, i feel for the addicted and for there familys becouse it hurts both ways

Exp Year: 1991ExpID: 4611
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 2, 2001Views: 6,505
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Crack (82) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Various (28)

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