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Separated for Testing
Salvia divinorum (extract)
Citation:   Randall. "Separated for Testing: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (extract) (exp46137)". Dec 12, 2022.

1 hit smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
It was College night at the bar and a few friends and I were drinking and playing pool when we met this guy who was talking about Salvia. He said he picked some up for $30 a gram, and it was supposedly a concentrated form, which is supposed to be a lot more potent. This 'guy' then asked us if we wanted to try some, me and one friend wanted to while the others preferred to just keep drinking and playing pool.

So the 'guy', 'my friend' and I went over to this secluded deck behind the bar where people usually smoke weed or whatever without anyone hastling you. There were already about 7 or 8 people there, but they were chill so we decided to proceed with the plan. The 'guy' packed a bowl for my friend and he hit it, held it in, then exhaled. He immediately got up and said he was gonna go back into the bar. So he walked off.

Now it was my turn. The 'guy' packed a bowl and I hit it down in one toke, held it, then exhaled. Immediately I felt this force pushing me from the right side, although there was nothing or no one there, it made me fall into the person beside me, so they pick my head up and move over and then I appeared to be passed out on the bench and mumbling gibberish; but really, I was awake in my mind. I saw none of the actual surroundings, which were like 7-8 people on a deck sitting on benches.

Everything was just blank and I was getting pushed by a force from only the right side. It felt like I was getting pushed into a different dimension and then I arrived in this place with a white aura and I saw thousands of strange people going into different doors. So I went up to someone and asked what was happening, they told me 'this is the end of the world, don't be scared you can't do anything about it.' So I replied 'where's my family?' and he said, 'it doesn't matter, we are all being separated for testing.'
So I went up to someone and asked what was happening, they told me 'this is the end of the world, don't be scared you can't do anything about it.' So I replied 'where's my family?' and he said, 'it doesn't matter, we are all being separated for testing.'
I was scared shitless and screamed, 'Noooo! This can't be happening, somebody get me out of this!!!

Then I came back to reality when a hippie chick I had never seen in my life grabbed my hand and pulled me up and had somehow snapped me out of this other dimension. Then everyone on the deck was like 'holy shit man I thought you like died or something, you took the hit, fell over onto your side then started mumbling for 5 minutes, then you started to make sense and yelled 'Somebody get me out of this!!!' then that girl grabbed your hand and snapped you out!'

At this time I was back in reality but I still felt so messed up, and I felt these effects for at least half an hour after I snapped out of the dimension. I went home and smoked some weed and went to bed, and felt fine in the morning. All I know is that was the most intense 5 minutes of my life and Salvia is a very very powerful drug that fuct me beyond reality and back again in a matter of minutes. But after there were no side effects or anything, I felt perfectly fine the next day. The only outcome is now I have a vision of the end of the world LOL

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 46137
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 12, 2022Views: 298
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Club / Bar (25), Guides / Sitters (39), Entities / Beings (37), First Times (2), General (1)

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