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Otherworldly Experience
Citation:   Mantis. "Otherworldly Experience: An Experience with LSD (exp46208)". Dec 10, 2007.

8 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
Setting: my familiar, comfortable home, with 2 good, true friends.

Previous dosing interval: Three weeks

Dose: 4 Jesus Christ and 4 Hoffman Bicycle Trip. I was told the Jesus Christ was a conservative (minimum) but amazing 150ug each. Hoffmann’s also excellent.

[Erowid Note: Claims of measured microgram dosages for LSD are usually unsupported. Quantitative measurements for LSD are very difficult to do and cannot be done casually. Without further detailed information about how the measurements were derived, it is reasonable to assume that most statements of microgram dosages of LSD on blotter or in microdots are either misinformed or overstated.]

Quality: Jesus 10 out of 10, Hoffmann 9.25 out of 10

So, I'll try as best I can to explain something as ethereal as was presented to me. My friends were dosing, and I was the trip-sitting since one guy was taking enough for five people, and the other enough for three. Here is the report that my friend gave me a while after the experience:

'We were tripping together, when I felt a surge of energy unlike any other. I had to excuse myself, because I had to lie down, everything was too much. So I go into my room, shut the door and the blinds, lie down, and get control of my respiration and heart rate. 'Relax, be the energy, let the river take you...' I was getting these huge rotating, overlapping and flapping arches type visuals, but the auditory vids were just as amazing, as the vids made 'bionic man' type sounds to them as the were going through infinity. As this is going, the experience is becoming more tense, I can feel every cell in my body flying off in a different direction. I'm getting stretched from everywhere so tightly, and the energy vids are showing what I'm feeling, that finally I feel free of my body, and the energy turns to Pure Light. Pure, unadulterated ecstasy. Casually the Light subsides... 'Now that I'm through, I wonder what's next, or is this acid out of gas?'

'LOL this is some SUPER high-octane dose, mate, I haven’t even started yet...' True enough, I surf through the universe on giant waves of energy, until I am taken to another planet. This planet is so neat, all the aliens are so different, yet the landscape is similar to ours. I stroll around (feels like a stroll, but I'm flying) this planet for a while and observe. Again though, I feel that fission sensation, and the Winds on my cells pulling me Everywhere again. It was building in waves of ecstasy, like an orgasm, until again, I diffuse into the Light... Bathing in the sun... Orgasmic ecstasy...

I flash out of the Light, and see the universe folding over itself, contorting itself, bending, the power of the energy doing this was Omnipotent. 'I' was less that a particle of dust in a camels nose. I hold on to the only thread of words I could force myself to remember: 'You took acid, don't be scared, when its time, you will be back' I am transported to a new planet. This planet feels much more strange, more alien. And sure enough, these guys were shape-shifting. It's really hard for me to remember/express even 1% of the situation... They look more aggressive, and they stare at me and change shapes in front of my eyes. Not human shape, but fluid, liquid, sinuous electric shapes. They definitely give me the sense that I don't belong there. I will myself away from there, and proceed to fly around the planet, just looking down from away. I hoped the Winds would come take me away from this place... But I didn't wish where to else to take me...

Again, for the third time, the now familiar cellular-explosion was imminent. I get pulled more and more, till again, the beautiful Light, or God as I came to understand (but this is a whole new story). More beautiful ecstasy... For me its easy to be this calm on these VR environments. People only have bad trips went they fight the acid, or don't accept what they see. Your on a train. It won't stop until it reaches the station, so relax and enjoy the ride.

This ride took me to a third planet. Here, however, gravity did apply to me, and I was quite heavy. There were these angry, shape-shifting aliens again, and this time they chase me. I start running away, only to see that I too am shape-shifting this time. My leg goes through my chest and turns into an arm, all my arms turn to legs and I run on all fours, shifting and shifting until the aliens catch me. This was Not pleasant. I could feel very malicious intentions from them. They bound me and were getting ready to do who knows what with me. At this point I felt my control of the trip being restricted, so I had to change environments into where I have more control. I convince myself that this is acid, and I can get away.

I gather all my strength and run out to the main room where my friend and trip sitter were. They were playing 'I had a friend who hung himself' by Primus, and I start yelling 'no one is going to hang themselves in my house! turn that stuff off!!! My sitter immediately turned off the music and started calming me. 'Don't freak out, its only acid, you might think your not here now, but I see you so you must be. Sit down and drink a tea. There's a good bloke.' He then puts on some Hendrix and gets me an ice tea. That brought me so far back to me, it was amazing. I sat on my comfy sofa and I look outside (on a bright summer day) and it was snowing and blizzarding. Yep I think, this is going to be just fine. '

Exp Year: 1994ExpID: 46208
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 10, 2007Views: 6,117
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