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It's All Been One Long Trip
by Zo
Citation:   Zo. "It's All Been One Long Trip: An Experience with LSD (exp46209)". Dec 11, 2007.

  repeated oral LSD (blotter / tab)
Before Thursday, I had done LSD 4 times. 2 tabs the first two times, and 1 tab the next couple of times. The tabs around my town are very potent, if you get them from the right places so all you really need is one. After those 4 times, our hook for acid didn't want to deal with it anymore so I couldn't get it. Recently, my friend found a hook for it in the college we go to who had the same type of tabs we were getting before. So I decided I wanted to buy about 20 hits and start selling most of them and figured I could take a couple trips out of it too.

The first night I get it, which was Thursday, me and my buddy we'll call D decided to ingest it fresh off the sheet. I took two, he took three. We went to a community park and smoked hookah and a bunch of marijuana. This trip was almost pure fun. Never had one like that we're I was just chilling the whole time. We ended up smoking a delicious 3 gram blunt of magical marijuana while overlooking this waterfall. Never done anything so fun with crazy hallucinations. The trip didn't have that big of a mental effect on me because it was just pure fun the whole time.

After that, I planned on giving myself a few days at least to recover before taking another trip. Unfortunately, 2 nights later I was feeling like a million bucks and my friend (we'll call him M) called and said he was in the mood to trip. I felt like I was so ready for another trip but little did I know. M comes over to my house and it's midnight at this point and I have work at 7 AM. I took it anyway. We both took a tab and a half. M is one of my best friends but he has done a lot of acid, meth, coke, and pretty much everything in his life so he has a lot of psychological problems. After dropping, we bought a sack of marijuana just to lighten up the mood.

An hour into the trip, I'm already regretting it. Just wondering why I decided to do this again on a completely random night where I had work in the morning. To top that off, M had done meth earlier in the night so while he was tripping, he wouldn't shut the fuck up. We'd keep talking to each other and trying to figure things out but he would start blabbering off about something else that didn't have anything to do with what we were talking about at the time. This started to get really annoying while we were tripping in my house so we decided to take a walk outside to trip. This is where it got really weird and the same things were happening. We kept doing the same thing over and over, arguing in constant repetition about the same things over and over and never figuring anything out. We were mad at each other for a while, which was awful. We were having a bad trip, but we started coming back to normal and figuring things out in our minds. We were finally connecting again like we used to and started having a fun fun comedown.

I went to work feeling amazing and still had the acid in me. I was able to see into people much more when I was working. I was actually preaching to my employees about how awful the management is at my work and how the place was falling apart. Everybody understood what I was saying and completely agreed. After that, I was still tripped out throughout the day. I went home, did my homework, got a good grade on a quiz, and life was going great. I went to school the next morning and took a lot of notes and did great on a test. When I got home from school, I looked outside and it was such a beautiful day. I always had dreamed of tripping on acid during the day in the nature listening to the Beatles on my iPod just in heaven. I decided to do this indeed.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]

When I got home from school, I dropped two more tabs at the same time, grabbed my iPod, and drove to Blue Sky trail, which is a nice nature spot in my area. I chilled there for a while listening to music just waiting to start feeling the acid. After a couple hours, I start listening to the Beatles out in the open forest just in heaven. I had never actually felt that good in my life before. It was everything I could possibly dream of.

A few hours later, I had already had my fun with the forest so I decided to switch settings. I called my friend who we'll call T and she said I could come over to her house and chill if I wanted. I'd never been there before and when I got there, it was like heaven. She had a truly hippied out room with Jimi Hendrix posters, Woodstock and peace symbols everywhere, a cool stereo with Pink Floyd playing and all these bright colors and crazy patterns in her bed that I could've stared at for hours, and I did. At this point, I could really feel the acid and it was only going stronger. We started smoking a lot of weed and I'd never felt so high before. Every time I ripped a bowl, I would hallucinate more and more.

I could feel the mindfuck coming again. I didn't know how strong it was going to be and really underestimated it. T went to do some homework while I was tripping and let me hang out in her room for a while. During this time, there were too many thoughts going on in my head at once. I was trying to make sense of what was going on around me and kept telling myself 'It's just because you're on acid' but it wasn't working. Over and over, I'd get these thoughts in my head and try to make something out of them but they just kept spinning and spinning through my head and I could see the chaos everywhere around me. It started turning into a very uncomfortable world where nothing felt right. It didn't feel like acid anymore, it felt like I was going insane. I'd never went that far into acid and tripped like that. I was getting lost in my thinking over and over again. I thought the peak was over, and T's mom was coming home soon so I decided it would be a good time to leave. I said my farewell and left the coolest room I'd ever seen in my life.

After that, I went to my car and started driving back home. It was getting to intense though. I thought all these people were honking at me and I felt like everyone was against me. All the cars seemed evil and I was getting overwhelmed. I wasn't straight to drive so I pulled over on a street to just chill for a while. I was by myself and very afraid. Everything around me was staring at me and torturing me. The trees all looked disappointed at me and like they were going to kill me. I'd been seeing crazy visions all night of evil thoughts every time I'd get lost in another pattern of thoughts. I didn't feel right and called my friend 'M' and told him that I really need a friend to help me through what I'm going through. I was stranded on acid and needed someone. Thankfully, he came and picked me up and took me to Denny's. This is when the peak ended. I started coming down but still felt like I was in acid land, and was loving it. Hallucinating like crazy, and everything felt so much more real. I could see what I was tasting and smell what I was seeing.

That last trip all happened yesterday. The thing I love about acid is it makes me think about what I'm doing with myself. I started thinking about myself a lot at Denny's and decided I'm done with acid. I don't think I could ever take a trip again because my last one was too scary. I would never want those repetitive thoughts coming back to my head. It made me feel like a schizophrenic crazy man. I saw people in my ceiling when I got home and started talking to them. This is a side of me I never want to see again. The lesson I learned from this is that people can't do acid a lot. It really does fuck with my brain and drive me crazy.

At the same time, I'm glad that I had that trip because it's what I needed to scare me away from acid. I've finally come to accept the fact that LSD does fuck with your head, and I was always in denial of this before. I think LSD is more of a once in a life time thing that most people should experience. It makes me want to be productive and get my life straightened out once I start coming back to reality. I'm not sure how my brain is going to be affected by all my tripping but I know that now is the time to make a change in my life and stop doing drugs. I don't feel nearly as sane as I used to. I look at myself in the mirror now and my pupils are still huge and I just look like shit. I look like a crazy man and I really need to change. I bought the ticket, and I took the ride. I don't know if I regret it yet but I have a feeling that this will benefit me in some ways and damage me in other ways.

I can still see the acid in everything and I'm not sure if it will ever go away. I think I'll always have the LSD tint in my vision.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 46209
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 11, 2007Views: 9,813
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