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Mellowed with Age or Aged to Perfection?
by Gaz
Citation:   Gaz. "Mellowed with Age or Aged to Perfection?: An Experience with 2C-B (exp46215)". Jun 22, 2006.

2 lines insufflated 2C-B (powder / crystals)
2 years ago was a time of plenty as far as this rare psychedelic was concerned- the summer of 2003 was a haze of tripped out happy raves and house parties, then, as happens with these things, the supply ran dry.

The last time I bought a batch one of the gel caps split, coating the inside of the bag they were in with pink powder, the rest of the caps were happily eaten, but the bag was put in a stash tin, and forgotten about for 2 years.

I recently made a decision to go on a bit of a detox- stop using everything for a period of time, which I did, not even cannabis, for the last month and a bit, one of my friends was running low on hash, and I remembered I had a small bit put by (I normally only smoke weed) so I was looking through my paraphernalia, and lo and behold in a tin at the back of my wardrobe-the bag with its 2cb frosting.

Wow, I thought, fresh from a detox, I knew it had to do something no matter how old it was.

I scraped the powder from the bag onto a mirror, and got two FAT lines aprox 1/2 of the contents of one capsule by visual guess-timation, I know one cap was 25mg, so a conservative estimate gives about 10mg- bonus! a free hit!

10mg is a thresh-hold dose, if I was to take it orally, but I remembered snorting was more efficient, so I snorted one line, waited a couple of minutes, didn’t feel a great deal apart from burning sinuses, so I did the other line.... wow. owch.

The best way I have heard snorting 2cb described is 'being kicked in the face by a psychedelic donkey' spot on. I cant emphasize enough how badly putting this stuff up my nose hurts.

The first line kicked in as the 2nd was dripping down the back of my throat. But not with the violence I was expecting. This time it was more subtle. It didn’t reach the same peak as I remembered- but it was all-together more enjoyable for it.

Age seems to have mellowed this chemical for the better- a very clean feeling rush- with all of the pleasant 'in body' tactile feelings, with some enjoyable visuals (breathing walls, tracers, etc) and a very pleasant heavy in my seat/drunk feeling, but without being over-powering, as I’ve had before with a similar sized insufflated dose.

In summary, worth the pain? I'd say so. it only hurts for 10 (long) minutes, but I’m here typing this at 3+ hours and I’m still feeling good, drifting slowly back to baseline.

I'd say this stuff stores surprisingly well.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 46215
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 22, 2006Views: 5,910
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2C-B (52) : General (1), Alone (16)

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