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The Ice Queen Meets Purple Haze
by Tim
Citation:   Tim. "The Ice Queen Meets Purple Haze: An Experience with Cannabis (exp46553)". Jan 14, 2018.

1 hit smoked Cannabis (plant material)
So here is the story I had quit smoking marijuana for about 6 months for probation and I was very excited about being able to smoke again. A couple of my friends and I got together because we were all going of to college or starting to work. So my buddy picked up a cople grams of purple haze and we used my buddy's bong that had an ice catcher which we filled with ice. So we passed the bong around once and we each took our hit and started coughing like crazy and all of of a sudden I started puking my brains out. I couldn't stop throwing up for a good 10 minutes and then I came back and sat down. I took another hit and I began dry heaving for about 5 minutes really bad and then my body just went limp, I felt as if I were paralyzed. But overall all I could say to my boys is 'thats some good weed' (thats what I said when I came back from puking).

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 46553
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 14, 2018Views: 1,118
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Cannabis (1) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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