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Kirby's Dram Land
Salvia divinorum (Extract)
Citation:   P star star. "Kirby's Dram Land: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (Extract) (exp46563)". Jan 21, 2021.

1 bowl smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
I got started with salvia about 3 or 4 months ago when I ran across it on this wonderful website. I wasn't sure if this was something I really wanted to do so I did a little more research and finally broke down and bought a bag of leaves at the local smoke shop. Of course after I bought it I was so anxious to try it I went right home and smoked it in a bowl.

I did what exactly what many of the articles and reports say to do. I used the high powered butane lighter, smoked it in a bowl, and held the smoke in for as long as possible. After about 30 seconds or so of holding the smoke in I blew it out and anxiously awaited results. 2 minutes went by and nothing happened. So undaunted I packed another bowl and took in probably double the smoke. once again no effects. After this I was quite frustrated and went online to find my problem. I found out that many people feel little or no effects from just the leaves, and I may need to smoke the extract to get the desired results. So I used the alcohol extraction and made about 3 grams or so of 5x. Now I was ready.

This time it was mid-day and I smoked it out of a bong, outside. After blowing out the smoke I noticed my brow began to sweat and I started to feel a little floaty. I was staring at the concrete which was reflecting very bright sunlight. All of a sudden the light shining on the concrete became brighter and more vivid. Instead of just the orangish yellow color to the light it began showing red and pink tints to it also. Then I had the very strange thought that I was in Kirby's Dream Land. For those of you unfamilar with Kirbys dream land, its a video game with lots of brightly colored animated charicters and scenery. For some reason I had the distict feeling that I was in that video game. I recognized the famous tree that blows wind from a hole in its trunk resembling a mouth. The wind picked up and the grass become vibrant and full of life. Even the bushes and small pond seemed to dance insync to the rhythm of my altered perception. Maybe a minute or so after I had smoked it a women and her yound daughter walked by and I stared at them as if they didn't belong there. When they walked passed me I felt the need to laugh. So for no reason I chuckled a bit. I guess the women heard me because she turned around and gave me this bad look. It was then I really couldn't control my self and I began laughing histerically, and for no reason. I think that scared her because she grabbed her daughter and began walking away very quickly. It was about then or not too long after words that I returned to my normal state of mind. Although I will say I did have some after effects for about 20 minutes but they were quite minor.

Since then I've had some very good trips and a few bad ones. All in all this is a great drug. Short lived, very intense, and no hangover! I definitely have more experiences I would like to share but I will do so at another time.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 46563
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 21, 2021Views: 545
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Salvia divinorum (44) : First Times (2), Personal Preparation (45), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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