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Supposedly Psychoactive
Citation:   lizard prince. "Supposedly Psychoactive: An Experience with Petunia (exp46604)". Jan 13, 2022.

4 joints/cigs smoked Petunia (dried)
After reading in the document entitled 'The ultimate guide...' And reading that the usual petunias found in my garden since I was a kid were supposedly psychoactive, I of course, could not but try them.

I have done before Trichocereus Pachanoi (about 7 times), weed most of my life since 18 (I’m 27 now), Datura, Brugmansia (4 times each), codeine based cough syrup, and SSRI for 2 years for bipolar depression.

I went to the local Home Depot, bought a petunia for $300 Chilean pesos (about 0.3 US dollars). To the touch the plant was somewhat sticky, and smelt like any solanaceous plant would be expected to smell like: Very “vegetable”. After drying it for a couple of days under shade. I rolled ¾ of the entire plant into joints, and proceeded to smoke them through a 30 minute period. The results were just as I had expected: Disappointing to say the least.

I ended up with the usual headache I get when smoking plants for experimentation and an extremely irritated tongue. The same as when I chewed Coleus and a thousand more plants. The only “psychoactive” feeling is the usual “psychoactive” feeling I’d get from inhaling any kind of smoke I guess... If one considers smoke-induced lack of oxygen a “psychoactive” experience...

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 46604
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 13, 2022Views: 726
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Petunia (961) : General (1), Alone (16)

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