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Different Smoke
Citation:   motorhead. "Different Smoke: An Experience with PCP (exp46708)". May 2, 2018.

4 hits smoked PCP (liquid)
I only smoked the liquid pcp (on parsley) once when a coworker asked me to try it. having smoked powder before I kind of knew what to expect. I smoked it outside the factory on the afternoon shift and came back in and talked with the same coworker, or really tried to make sense after it hit me. I felt like sitting by the nearest lil platform under a rattling heat duct that was vibrating through me not unlike electricity, distractingly. I then stood up and tried walking, but it was more like gliding.

Don't remember revelations like on mescaline, just the detached, dissociative feelings. It can be unsettling especially if I had done too much, and the hum in my head made me glad I didn't. It took about an hour to start comin' down, gladly. I prefer the powder, since I can test a small amount easier. The funniest thing I remember is I surely wasn't bored since the simplest things seem to hold my attention for who knows how long. I could be transfixed for what seems like hours.

Exp Year: 1974ExpID: 46708
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 2, 2018Views: 1,488
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PCP (113) : General (1), Retrospective / Summary (11), Workplace (51)

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