Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
Vastly Soothing
Salvia divinorum (5x extract)
Citation:   Lakefingers. "Vastly Soothing: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (5x extract) (exp46935)". Mar 31, 2006.

  repeated smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 5x)
I thought this experience was completely pleasant and fullfilling in contrast to most other salvia experiences I've heard or read about.

==Set & Setting==

I tried more salvia again last night, which I've been experimenting with for over half a year. This time it was 5x standardized extract. I'm not sure how much I smoked, because initially I smoked 0.1 gram but there were some problems with the lighter going out while I was inhaling so I had to reload in order to come up past level two/three which I seemed to be stuck at. After I came down from this me and my friend smoked two or three more bong loads.

In the morning I drank a large cup of coffee. About 14 hrs before all this I had smoke two bowls of hash mixed with tobacco. As far as I could tell the hash had worn off much earlier in the day. My partner had one beer in the evening and some cigarettes.

We were at my place and we were listening to Drone Zone, which created a very cozy atmosphere. There wasn't much metallic noise in the music, just warm old synthy tones. We also had two candles lit.

We were at an amusement park earlier in the day and I rode a few roller coasters and some other freaky rides. I think they left a residue on my vestibular system that made this saliva work really sweetly. I think the ride that affected my salvia experience the most though was one that swung us around, back and forth, up and down, around and around in a way that feels like you're weightless and all you see is the sky and trees sifting, rushing by.

==First Bowl==

This friend that was with me (it was his salvia btw) had the feeling that he was a small boy going on a boat to France with his mother. It wasn't his mother in real life though. He thinks this was influenced by some Henry Miller novel he was reading in the afternoon (I think he said <>...

After my first proper bong load, which I finished off with a normal lighter (due to problems with the butane lighter), I stood up in order to fix something that I thought was wrong with the bong, but then it hit me. I thought I said a very long sentence about how it kicked it, but my friend later said he only heard something like <>.

So as the salvia is pounding my consciousness into some weird substance I had not yet known existed, I ran over to my bed (for some reason I can't remember) and threw myself down. I rolled into a crack between the matress and the wall and pulled the pillow and my arms over head. As I ran over the bed I felt like I was actually running sideways, horizontal to my body at an incredible leopard like speed. I still had some recollection or sense that my friend was sitting in the room and I felt that this was so wonderful; I heard him taking his bong hits and then I gave up on the environment and drifted off by closing my eyes.

I, or everything, in this gaseous, fluid universe, drifted, swung, morphed and rocked back and forth. It was like being in a zero-gravity washing-machine. It was excellent! I kept running vertical, slanted, horizontal to the bed like a beam of light. I swayed and pendulated around the liquidy cosmos.

After this wore off a bit I tried to hold on because it was one of the best feelings I've ever had--just being tossed around in the uncongealed All. But my focus changed to the body. Body, yeah, I had one of those (!), but where was it? What was it? I couldn't feel it because it was warped and spongy. It was the entire environment I was in. It really was the walls and every thing I was conscious of in the room.

When I opened my eyes I didn't recognize my apartment. This wasn't scary, it just was. It wasn't as if I didn't recognize it. I just didn't know it or understand it. It was just there and there was nothing to do about it.

I closed my eyes again and looked for Lady Salvia that everyone talks about. But I only saw darkness now and the impressions of some shapes. I searched calmly, but I could find nothing, except a presence to my left that seemed light. Lady Salvia didn't need or want to show herself then.

Something felt very ancient about this, it was shamanic and firey (the candles added to that), but also I felt a connection to all of you psychonauts when I was doing this.

When I came down I listened to the music (synthy ambient stuff) which gave me distinct, cozy, 1970's Soviet feelings. I stared at a book on my shelf that looked like it was from the 16th century, but I realized it was from 2005. That made me realize a few things, some of which I've forgotten, but I remember thinking something along the lines <>. I still didn't have a clue what room I was in and the thought that the book was from 2005 made me wonder what time I was in--or what time I was transcendent of.

This last thing is something I find common with salvia (and I learned a lot about salvia last night for some reason). On salvia there's always a separation of thinking and feeling. It's like I can feel much more than normal, but there is either no thinking at all. There's thought though, but it's just ripped away from feeling and it seems incongruous with everything. It became apparent for me how salvia allows me to just experience things. It throws me into a world of feeling where thinking is impossible or improbable, where I just get thoughts and they're all perplexing and ponderous. But unlike most other salvia users I don't find this unpleasant. I actually find it extremely comforting and...still.

When I tried to tell my friend about my experiences I said <> I tried to tell him about the amazingly acrobatic things I was doing.

==Second Bowl==

...we smoked a bit more salvia extract...

As I was going at my second or third hit I was joking about how it felt like the salvia vortex was coming. I sitting on the floor indian-style and felt my essence (or whatever it was) being sucked out, and bent, to a vague point several hundred yards behind me. As I was joking about this I started feeling that my arms and legs and head were there smoking and there was no body. This was hillarious for some reason and we started cracking up. I took another hit from the bong.

When I exhaled I remember saying <> At which point it was just a joke, but after, maybe ten seconds, I had forgotten that I was smoking salvia and I became extremely funny and confusing that I wasn't in my body. My pal was chuckling at me as he fixed his this point my memory is very choppy, but I remember saying <> and my friend said <>.

This was extremely fascinating and I tried to solve the riddle, but I just couldn't think. I could only get thoughts, but have no understanding. Like I said above there's just no possibility of me to understand things through salvia, I just know things.

At one point I was positioned face down on my forearms with my knees curled up under my stomach. And it felt like my limbs (especially my arms) were both way too long and way too short, and that they weren't even connected to my body, yet they were.

So I sat or laid down (I can't remember) and got the impression that I had checked out my body from a wooden booth at the park I was at earlier in the day. This booth didn't really exist there, it was more like something out of the movie <>. I felt it was pleasing to think about this booth with human bodies hanging there for rental, but I was wondering where all the humans were, what they were. I was wondering what the hell I was inside this body and where I was. When I came down I couldn't shake this feeling nor these wonderings. Honestly I really enjoyed them, as twisted as it was. My friend said to me <>. I agreed.


As I'm writing this the morning after I still taste saliva on my lips and breath and I feel incongruous with the body, not out of sync with it, but just like I'm so much in my body that it's stunning that it's working, that I'm experiencing. I am this body and, well, that's amazing.

So, is it considered an O.B.E. if you're in someone else's body?

It felt great last night and it feels great now. Just is, just doo bappa doo.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 46935
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 31, 2006Views: 382
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Salvia divinorum (44) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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