Red Rock What?
Red Rock Opium
by Naz
Citation:   Naz. "Red Rock What?: An Experience with Red Rock Opium (exp4696)". Jan 20, 2001.

7.0 g smoked Red Rock
Well, I had to try it for myself. After many years of doing a wide variety of good (and bad) drugs I added this 'stuff' to the list.

What more can I say, I smoked 7 grams in a clean bong and ended up with little more than a headache. People are selling this crap for as much as $125 a quarter ounce in Florida.

PLEASE!! If you are selling this crap, STOP!!! The worst thing about doing drugs is getting something that you didn't want. This substance undoubtedly contains harmful chemicals that were designed to smell good, not stone good.

Vote Libertarian, end the madness!

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 4696
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 20, 2001Views: 16,941
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